

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:26

android Programming Glossary: minlat

Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON


The area where you can see all the markers on screen int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int minLong Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE.. overlayitem calculating map boundary area minLat int Math.min geoPoin.getLatitudeE6 minLat minLong int Math.min.. boundary area minLat int Math.min geoPoin.getLatitudeE6 minLat minLong int Math.min geoPoin.getLongitudeE6 minLong maxLat int..

Android Map Zoom to Show all Pins


in a recent project of mine public void centerOverlays int minLat 81 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE int maxLat 81 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE.. i Store s overlayItems.getItem i .getStore minLat int minLat s.getLocation .getLatitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE.. i Store s overlayItems.getItem i .getStore minLat int minLat s.getLocation .getLatitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE s.getLocation..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


share improve this question Kinda like this int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE.. int lon item.getLongitudeE6 maxLat Math.max lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min.. maxLat Math.max lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min lon minLon mapController.zoomToSpan..

Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON


These values are used to get map boundary area The area where you can see all the markers on screen int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int minLong Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int maxLong Integer.MIN_VALUE check for null.. new OverlayItem geoPoin place.name place.vicinity itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem calculating map boundary area minLat int Math.min geoPoin.getLatitudeE6 minLat minLong int Math.min geoPoin.getLongitudeE6 minLong maxLat int Math.max geoPoin.getLatitudeE6.. itemizedOverlay.addOverlay overlayitem calculating map boundary area minLat int Math.min geoPoin.getLatitudeE6 minLat minLong int Math.min geoPoin.getLongitudeE6 minLong maxLat int Math.max geoPoin.getLatitudeE6 maxLat maxLong int Math.max..

Android Map Zoom to Show all Pins


mapview share improve this question I used this method in a recent project of mine public void centerOverlays int minLat 81 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE int maxLat 81 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE int minLon 181 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE.. maxLon 181 MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE for int i 0 i overlayItems.size i Store s overlayItems.getItem i .getStore minLat int minLat s.getLocation .getLatitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE s.getLocation .getLatitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE.. MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE for int i 0 i overlayItems.size i Store s overlayItems.getItem i .getStore minLat int minLat s.getLocation .getLatitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE s.getLocation .getLatitude MapStoresController.MAP_SCALE minLat..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


How can this be done auto magically android gps android mapview share improve this question Kinda like this int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLon Integer.MIN_VALUE for GeoPoint item.. for GeoPoint item items int lat item.getLatitudeE6 int lon item.getLongitudeE6 maxLat Math.max lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min lon minLon mapController.zoomToSpan Math.abs maxLat minLat.. item items int lat item.getLatitudeE6 int lon item.getLongitudeE6 maxLat Math.max lat maxLat minLat Math.min lat minLat maxLon Math.max lon maxLon minLon Math.min lon minLon mapController.zoomToSpan Math.abs maxLat minLat Math.abs maxLon minLon..