

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:26

android Programming Glossary: mintarray

Displaying YUV Image in Android


or void yourFunction byte data int mWidth int mHeight int mIntArray new int mWidth mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP.. mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Initialize the bitmap with the replaced.. with the replaced color Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap mIntArray mWidth mHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Draw the bitmap with..

Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android?


int mWidth mSize.width int mHeight mSize.height int mIntArray new int mWidth mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP.. mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Converting int mIntArray to Bitmap and.. mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Converting int mIntArray to Bitmap and than image preprocessing and back to mIntArray...

Displaying YUV Image in Android


imageBytes 0 imageBytes.length iv.setImageBitmap image or void yourFunction byte data int mWidth int mHeight int mIntArray new int mWidth mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Initialize the bitmap.. byte data int mWidth int mHeight int mIntArray new int mWidth mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Initialize the bitmap with the replaced color Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap mIntArray mWidth mHeight.. mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Initialize the bitmap with the replaced color Bitmap bmp Bitmap.createBitmap mIntArray mWidth mHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Draw the bitmap with the replaced color iv.setImageBitmap bmp static public void..

Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android?


camera.getParameters Size mSize mParameters.getPreviewSize int mWidth mSize.width int mHeight mSize.height int mIntArray new int mWidth mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Converting int mIntArray.. int mHeight mSize.height int mIntArray new int mWidth mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Converting int mIntArray to Bitmap and than image preprocessing and back to mIntArray. Encode intArray.. new int mWidth mHeight Decode Yuv data to integer array decodeYUV420SP mIntArray data mWidth mHeight Converting int mIntArray to Bitmap and than image preprocessing and back to mIntArray. Encode intArray to Yuv data encodeYUV420SP data mIntArray..