

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:30

android Programming Glossary: mlist

Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method


CarDetail private CarListAdapter adapter private ListView mList private ProgressDialog progressDialog OnCarListItemSelectedListener.. R.layout.fragment_service_car_list container false mList ListView v.findViewById R.id.list mList.setAdapter adapter mList.setOnItemClickListener.. container false mList ListView v.findViewById R.id.list mList.setAdapter adapter mList.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener..

Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer


private boolean mDragging private ListView mList private boolean mScrollCompleted private boolean mThumbVisible.. private int mVisibleItem private Paint mPaint private int mListOffset private Object mSections private String mSectionText private.. private Handler mHandler new Handler private BaseAdapter mListAdapter private boolean mChangedBounds public static interface..

ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package


Runnable mRequestFocus new Runnable public void run mList.focusableViewAvailable mList final private AdapterView.OnItemClickListener.. new Runnable public void run mList.focusableViewAvailable mList final private AdapterView.OnItemClickListener mOnClickListener.. id ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter ExpandableListView mList View mEmptyView TextView mStandardEmptyView View mListContainer..

How to change color and font on ListView


ArrayAdapter this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 v_itemList setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.list_item.. share improve this question You need to create a CustomListAdapter. private class CustomListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter.. You need to create a CustomListAdapter. private class CustomListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter private Context mContext private..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


code public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView mListView @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new.. mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new String example images 1.jpg example images..

Listview error: “Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.list'”


The Declaration private ListView lv Context mContext List mList String testcontacts MessageView aa null @Override public void..

Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method


url private ArrayList CarDetail carDetailList new ArrayList CarDetail private CarListAdapter adapter private ListView mList private ProgressDialog progressDialog OnCarListItemSelectedListener mCallback private boolean connectionStatus Container.. method stub Log.d Services On CreateView View v inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_service_car_list container false mList ListView v.findViewById R.id.list mList.setAdapter adapter mList.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override.. View v inflater.inflate R.layout.fragment_service_car_list container false mList ListView v.findViewById R.id.list mList.setAdapter adapter mList.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener @Override public void onItemClick AdapterView parent..

Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer


private float mOverlayTextSize private int mOverlayScrollThumbWidth private boolean mDragging private ListView mList private boolean mScrollCompleted private boolean mThumbVisible private int mVisibleItem private Paint mPaint private int.. boolean mScrollCompleted private boolean mThumbVisible private int mVisibleItem private Paint mPaint private int mListOffset private Object mSections private String mSectionText private boolean mDrawOverlay private ScrollFade mScrollFade private.. private boolean mDrawOverlay private ScrollFade mScrollFade private Handler mHandler new Handler private BaseAdapter mListAdapter private boolean mChangedBounds public static interface SectionIndexer Object getSections int getPositionForSection..

ExpandableListFragment with LoaderManager for Compatibility Package


final private Handler mHandler new Handler final private Runnable mRequestFocus new Runnable public void run mList.focusableViewAvailable mList final private AdapterView.OnItemClickListener mOnClickListener new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener.. mHandler new Handler final private Runnable mRequestFocus new Runnable public void run mList.focusableViewAvailable mList final private AdapterView.OnItemClickListener mOnClickListener new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick.. int position long id onListItemClick ListView parent v position id ExpandableListAdapter mAdapter ExpandableListView mList View mEmptyView TextView mStandardEmptyView View mListContainer boolean mSetEmptyText boolean mListShown boolean mFinishedStart..

How to change color and font on ListView


savedInstanceState ArrayAdapter listItemAdapter new ArrayAdapter this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1 v_itemList setListAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.list_item ynetList View v getListView ListView lv getListView what.. give me an example base on my code android listview fonts share improve this question You need to create a CustomListAdapter. private class CustomListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter private Context mContext private int id private List String.. android listview fonts share improve this question You need to create a CustomListAdapter. private class CustomListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter private Context mContext private int id private List String items public CustomListAdapter Context..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


It depends if image exists or not in SDCARD. Here my example code public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView mListView @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView.. ListView mListView @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new String example images 1.jpg example images 2.jpg example.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new String example images 1.jpg example images 2.jpg example images 3.jpg example images 4.jpg example..

Listview error: “Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is 'android.R.id.list'”


to be a common problem but I am still unable to fix my code. The Declaration private ListView lv Context mContext List mList String testcontacts MessageView aa null @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..