

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:30

android Programming Glossary: mlistview

Android - how to align list view items to be nicely spaced left and right align?


TextView text ImageView image In your onCreate ListView mListView ListView findViewById R.id.mListView mListView.setAdapter new.. onCreate ListView mListView ListView findViewById R.id.mListView mListView.setAdapter new CustomAdapter getApplicationContext.. ListView mListView ListView findViewById R.id.mListView mListView.setAdapter new CustomAdapter getApplicationContext questions..

How to parse complex JSON file in android


case public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView mListView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. strUrl Getting a reference to ListView of activity_main mListView ListView findViewById R.id.lv_countries A method to download.. SimpleAdapter adapter Setting adapter for the listview mListView.setAdapter adapter for int i 0 i adapter.getCount i HashMap..

How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image?


class MainActivity extends Activity private ListView mListView private Adapter mAdapter private ArrayList Data mSource new.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main mListView ListView findViewById android.R.id.list mAdapter new Adapter.. android.R.id.list mAdapter new Adapter this mSource mListView.setAdapter mAdapter mListView.setRecyclerListener mAdapter.mRecyclerListener..

Android listview row delete animation


extends Activity StableArrayAdapter mAdapter ListView mListView BackgroundContainer mBackgroundContainer boolean mSwiping false.. BackgroundContainer findViewById R.id.listViewBackground mListView ListView findViewById R.id.listview android.util.Log.d Debug.. findViewById R.id.listview android.util.Log.d Debug d mListView.getDivider final ArrayList String cheeseList new ArrayList String..

How to update some data in a Listview without using notifyDataSetChanged()?


getActivity MyApplication.dbHelper.getSavedShowList mListView.setAdapter mAdapter ... private ServiceConnection mDownloadServiceConnection.. I have assumed the following Your listview is called mListView. You only want to update the progress Your progress bar in your.. updateListView int position int newProgress int first mListView.getFirstVisiblePosition int last mListView.getLastVisiblePosition..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


code public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView mListView @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new String.. mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new String example images 1.jpg example images 2.jpg..

Android - how to align list view items to be nicely spaced left and right align?


.getImage return convertView static class ViewHolder TextView text ImageView image In your onCreate ListView mListView ListView findViewById R.id.mListView mListView.setAdapter new CustomAdapter getApplicationContext questions Another example.. static class ViewHolder TextView text ImageView image In your onCreate ListView mListView ListView findViewById R.id.mListView mListView.setAdapter new CustomAdapter getApplicationContext questions Another example for a ListView with an Adapter can.. ViewHolder TextView text ImageView image In your onCreate ListView mListView ListView findViewById R.id.mListView mListView.setAdapter new CustomAdapter getApplicationContext questions Another example for a ListView with an Adapter can be found..

How to parse complex JSON file in android


I am not able to figure out exactly how to do that for this case public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView mListView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main.. Starting the download process downloadTask.execute strUrl Getting a reference to ListView of activity_main mListView ListView findViewById R.id.lv_countries A method to download json data from url private String downloadUrl String strUrl.. is executed @Override protected void onPostExecute SimpleAdapter adapter Setting adapter for the listview mListView.setAdapter adapter for int i 0 i adapter.getCount i HashMap String Object hm HashMap String Object adapter.getItem i String..

How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image?


import android.util.Log import android.widget.ListView public class MainActivity extends Activity private ListView mListView private Adapter mAdapter private ArrayList Data mSource new ArrayList Data @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main mListView ListView findViewById android.R.id.list mAdapter new Adapter this mSource mListView.setAdapter mAdapter mListView.setRecyclerListener.. R.layout.activity_main mListView ListView findViewById android.R.id.list mAdapter new Adapter this mSource mListView.setAdapter mAdapter mListView.setRecyclerListener mAdapter.mRecyclerListener final String url http metalgearrisingguide.com..

Android listview row delete animation


public class ListViewRemovalAnimation extends Activity StableArrayAdapter mAdapter ListView mListView BackgroundContainer mBackgroundContainer boolean mSwiping false boolean mItemPressed false HashMap Long Integer mItemIdTopMap.. R.layout.activity_list_view_deletion mBackgroundContainer BackgroundContainer findViewById R.id.listViewBackground mListView ListView findViewById R.id.listview android.util.Log.d Debug d mListView.getDivider final ArrayList String cheeseList new.. findViewById R.id.listViewBackground mListView ListView findViewById R.id.listview android.util.Log.d Debug d mListView.getDivider final ArrayList String cheeseList new ArrayList String for int i 0 i Cheeses.sCheeseStrings.length i cheeseList.add..

How to update some data in a Listview without using notifyDataSetChanged()?


public void onResume super.onResume mAdapter new SavedShowAdapter getActivity MyApplication.dbHelper.getSavedShowList mListView.setAdapter mAdapter ... private ServiceConnection mDownloadServiceConnection new ServiceConnection @Override public void.. position without notifyDataSetChanged . In the following example I have assumed the following Your listview is called mListView. You only want to update the progress Your progress bar in your convertView has the id R.id.progress public boolean updateListView.. bar in your convertView has the id R.id.progress public boolean updateListView int position int newProgress int first mListView.getFirstVisiblePosition int last mListView.getLastVisiblePosition if position first position last just update your DataSet..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


It depends if image exists or not in SDCARD. Here my example code public class MainActivity extends Activity ListView mListView @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView this.. ListView mListView @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new String example images 1.jpg example images 2.jpg example images.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mListView new ListView this setContentView mListView String arr new String example images 1.jpg example images 2.jpg example images 3.jpg example images 4.jpg example images..