

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:37

android Programming Glossary: movementmethod

EditText causing memory leak


boolean getDefaultEditable return true @Override protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance.. return true @Override protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance @Override public Editable.. MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance @Override public Editable getText return Editable..

android span click event


findViewById R.id.tv1 tv.setLinksClickable true tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Spanned article Html.fromHtml.. tv.setLinksClickable true tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Spanned article Html.fromHtml text null null setHTML.. EDIT You can capture any span click event by extends LinkMovementMethod import android.text.Layout import android.text.Spannable import..

Show context menu when link is long pressed in TextView


is long pressed in TextView I have a TextView with its MovementMethod set to LinkMovementMethod . Text added to the TextView is a.. I have a TextView with its MovementMethod set to LinkMovementMethod . Text added to the TextView is a combination of normal text.. copying the address. I've had a look at the source for LinkMovementMethod but it doesn't seem to have any long pressed related code I..

Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView


textview clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance The problem is that when I set.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance The problem is that when I set an OnClickListener.. method this class calls the onTouchEvent method of MovementMethod before calling onTouchEvent on its base TextView class. So it..

ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable?


TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable What I want to do A list with messages.. message messageTextView.setText f messageTextView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance meesageTextView.setFocusable.. f messageTextView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance meesageTextView.setFocusable false The InternalURLSpan..

clickable word inside TextView in android


Html.fromHtml ... a href 'link' link a ... txt.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance It's work well for URLs inside.. ... a href 'link' link a ... txt.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance It's work well for URLs inside href attribute but.. return link private void makeLinksFocusable TextView tv MovementMethod m tv.getMovementMethod if m null m instanceof LinkMovementMethod..

EditText causing memory leak


EditorInfo outAttrs return null @Override protected boolean getDefaultEditable return true @Override protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance @Override public Editable getText return Editable super.getText.. return null @Override protected boolean getDefaultEditable return true @Override protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance @Override public Editable getText return Editable super.getText @Override public.. boolean getDefaultEditable return true @Override protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance @Override public Editable getText return Editable super.getText @Override public void setText CharSequence text..

android span click event


R.layout.activity_main text explode text tv TextView findViewById R.id.tv1 tv.setLinksClickable true tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Spanned article Html.fromHtml text null null setHTML article public void setHTML Spanned.. text explode text tv TextView findViewById R.id.tv1 tv.setLinksClickable true tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance Spanned article Html.fromHtml text null null setHTML article public void setHTML Spanned html SpannableString.. below The onClick of ClickableSpan is not working for URLSpan EDIT You can capture any span click event by extends LinkMovementMethod import android.text.Layout import android.text.Spannable import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import android.text.method.MovementMethod..

Show context menu when link is long pressed in TextView


context menu when link is long pressed in TextView I have a TextView with its MovementMethod set to LinkMovementMethod . Text added to the TextView is a combination of normal text and URLs. For URLs I would like to.. context menu when link is long pressed in TextView I have a TextView with its MovementMethod set to LinkMovementMethod . Text added to the TextView is a combination of normal text and URLs. For URLs I would like to offer a context menu when.. menu when the URL is long pressed for doing things such as copying the address. I've had a look at the source for LinkMovementMethod but it doesn't seem to have any long pressed related code I could override. Any ideas on how to go around achieving this..

Android: ClickableSpan in clickable TextView


View v Log.d main textview clicked Toast.makeText Main.this textview clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance The problem is that when I set an OnClickListener everytime I click on a link first the listener.. main textview clicked Toast.makeText Main.this textview clicked Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance The problem is that when I set an OnClickListener everytime I click on a link first the listener for the whole.. a TextView that should be clickable as a whole. In its onTouchEvent method this class calls the onTouchEvent method of MovementMethod before calling onTouchEvent on its base TextView class. So it is guaranted that the Listener of the clickablespan will be..

ListView: TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable?


TextView with LinkMovementMethod makes list item unclickable What I want to do A list with messages like this UserName and here is the mnessage the user.. f.length Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE f.append message messageTextView.setText f messageTextView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance meesageTextView.setFocusable false The InternalURLSpan class public class InternalURLSpan.. Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE f.append message messageTextView.setText f messageTextView.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance meesageTextView.setFocusable false The InternalURLSpan class public class InternalURLSpan extends ClickableSpan..

clickable word inside TextView in android


in the EditText in the same activity. This is my code txt.setText Html.fromHtml ... a href 'link' link a ... txt.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance It's work well for URLs inside href attribute but there is an error for another format. I.. in the same activity. This is my code txt.setText Html.fromHtml ... a href 'link' link a ... txt.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance It's work well for URLs inside href attribute but there is an error for another format. I found a lot of similar.. 0 text.length SpannableString.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE return link private void makeLinksFocusable TextView tv MovementMethod m tv.getMovementMethod if m null m instanceof LinkMovementMethod if tv.getLinksClickable tv.setMovementMethod LinkMovementMethod.getInstance..