

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:43

android Programming Glossary: mrec.setoutputfile

audio and video recording errors in android


mrec.setMaxDuration 20000 length of video in MS mrec.setVideoSize 320 240 Specify the output file mrec.setOutputFile sdcard myoutputfile.mp4 Prepare to record mrec.prepare mrec.start mrec.setOutputFile video.getPath mrec.setOutputFile sdcard.. 320 240 Specify the output file mrec.setOutputFile sdcard myoutputfile.mp4 Prepare to record mrec.prepare mrec.start mrec.setOutputFile video.getPath mrec.setOutputFile sdcard yousuck2.3gp mRecorder.setOutputFile sdcard yousuck2.3gp if video null File sampleDir.. mrec.setOutputFile sdcard myoutputfile.mp4 Prepare to record mrec.prepare mrec.start mrec.setOutputFile video.getPath mrec.setOutputFile sdcard yousuck2.3gp mRecorder.setOutputFile sdcard yousuck2.3gp if video null File sampleDir Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..

Android Camera Server Died and Camera ERROR 100


mrec.setAudioSource MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC mrec.setProfile CamcorderProfile.get CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH mrec.setOutputFile sdcard zzzz.3gp mrec.prepare mrec.start Here are the logcat errors 12 27 17 52 02.788 W IMediaDeathNotifier 21434 media.. mrec.setProfile CamcorderProfile.get CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_LOW mrec.setPreviewDisplay surfaceHolder.getSurface mrec.setOutputFile sdcard fileName mrec.prepare mrec.start protected void stopRecordingVideo mrec.stop mrec.release camera.release private..