

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:44

android Programming Glossary: mscale

Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android


canvas.save canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mBitmapDrawable.draw canvas Paint myPaint.. canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mBitmapDrawable.draw canvas Paint myPaint new Paint myPaint.setColor.. Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas canvas.save canvas.scale mScale mScale mCanvasMatrix canvas.getMatrix Paint myPaint new Paint..

Android layout with sqare buttons


height MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec if width int mScale height 0.5 width int mScale height 0.5 else height int width.. if width int mScale height 0.5 width int mScale height 0.5 else height int width mScale 0.5 super.onMeasure.. 0.5 width int mScale height 0.5 else height int width mScale 0.5 super.onMeasure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec width MeasureSpec.EXACTLY..

How to crop image in android


extras.getInt outputX mOutputY extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded.. extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded true if mBitmap null Log.d.. size then scale or fill if mOutputX 0 mOutputY 0 if mScale Scale the image to the required dimensions Bitmap old croppedImage..

Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android


pressure mCanvas.drawCircle x1 y1 PRESET_SIZE size paint canvas.save canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mBitmapDrawable.draw canvas Paint myPaint new Paint myPaint.setColor Color.GREEN myPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. mCanvas.drawCircle x1 y1 PRESET_SIZE size paint canvas.save canvas.translate mPosX mPosY canvas.scale mScaleFactor mScaleFactor mBitmapDrawable.draw canvas Paint myPaint new Paint myPaint.setColor Color.GREEN myPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. implements OnTouchListener @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas canvas.save canvas.scale mScale mScale mCanvasMatrix canvas.getMatrix Paint myPaint new Paint myPaint.setColor Color.GREEN myPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..

Android layout with sqare buttons


int width MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int height MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec if width int mScale height 0.5 width int mScale height 0.5 else height int width mScale 0.5 super.onMeasure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec width.. widthMeasureSpec int height MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec if width int mScale height 0.5 width int mScale height 0.5 else height int width mScale 0.5 super.onMeasure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec width MeasureSpec.EXACTLY MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec.. heightMeasureSpec if width int mScale height 0.5 width int mScale height 0.5 else height int width mScale 0.5 super.onMeasure MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec width MeasureSpec.EXACTLY MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec height MeasureSpec.EXACTLY..

How to crop image in android


extras.getInt aspectX mAspectY extras.getInt aspectY mOutputX extras.getInt outputX mOutputY extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded true if mBitmap null Log.d TAG finish finish return.. aspectY mOutputX extras.getInt outputX mOutputY extras.getInt outputY mScale extras.getBoolean scale true mScaleUp extras.getBoolean scaleUpIfNeeded true if mBitmap null Log.d TAG finish finish return Make UI fullscreen. getWindow .addFlags.. PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR If the output is required to a specific size then scale or fill if mOutputX 0 mOutputY 0 if mScale Scale the image to the required dimensions Bitmap old croppedImage croppedImage Util.transform new Matrix croppedImage mOutputX..