

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:49

android Programming Glossary: mvideoheight

Play m3u8 video in android


private int mVideoWidth private int mVideoHeight private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer private SurfaceView mPreview.. height return mIsVideoSizeKnown true mVideoWidth width mVideoHeight height if mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed mIsVideoSizeKnown startVideoPlayback.. mMediaPlayer null private void doCleanUp mVideoWidth 0 mVideoHeight 0 mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false mIsVideoSizeKnown false private..

SurfaceView height + width gets ignored


TAG MediaPlayerDemo private int mVideoWidth private int mVideoHeight private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer private SurfaceView mPreview.. mMediaPlayer null private void doCleanUp mVideoWidth 0 mVideoHeight 0 mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false mIsVideoSizeKnown false private..

VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video


private int mVideoWidth private int mVideoHeight private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer private SurfaceView mPreview.. holder.setFixedSize mVideoWidth mVideoHeight retrieve httpUrl passed from previous activity. path getIntent..

Play m3u8 video in android


private static final String TAG StreamingPlayer.class.getSimpleName private int mVideoWidth private int mVideoHeight private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer private SurfaceView mPreview private SurfaceHolder holder private String path private boolean.. 0 height 0 Log.e TAG invalid video width width or height height return mIsVideoSizeKnown true mVideoWidth width mVideoHeight height if mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed mIsVideoSizeKnown startVideoPlayback public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mediaplayer.. releaseMediaPlayer if mMediaPlayer null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null private void doCleanUp mVideoWidth 0 mVideoHeight 0 mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false mIsVideoSizeKnown false private void startVideoPlayback Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback holder.setFixedSize..

SurfaceView height + width gets ignored


SurfaceHolder.Callback private static final String TAG MediaPlayerDemo private int mVideoWidth private int mVideoHeight private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer private SurfaceView mPreview private SurfaceHolder holder private boolean mIsVideoSizeKnown.. releaseMediaPlayer if mMediaPlayer null mMediaPlayer.release mMediaPlayer null private void doCleanUp mVideoWidth 0 mVideoHeight 0 mIsVideoReadyToBePlayed false mIsVideoSizeKnown false private void startVideoPlayback Log.v TAG startVideoPlayback holder.setSizeFromLayout..

VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video


SurfaceHolder.Callback private static final String TAG BufferedMediaPlayerActivity private int mVideoWidth private int mVideoHeight private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer private SurfaceView mPreview private SurfaceHolder holder private String path private boolean.. holder.addCallback this holder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS holder.setFixedSize mVideoWidth mVideoHeight retrieve httpUrl passed from previous activity. path getIntent .getExtras .getString videoUrl @Override public void onDestroy..