

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:57

android Programming Glossary: name.settext

Gridview with two columns and auto resized images


R.id.picture name TextView v.getTag R.id.text Item item Item getItem i picture.setImageResource item.drawableId name.setText item.name return v private class Item final String name final int drawableId Item String name int drawableId this.name..

What does Layout Inflater in Android do?


Simple Adapter problem, Text + Image in spinner. Java, Android


convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.stagerow null TextView name TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.stage_name name.setText String localList.get position .get Name ImageView icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.stage_icon icon.setImageResource.. convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.stagerow null TextView name TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.stage_name name.setText String localList.get position .get Name ImageView icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.stage_icon icon.setImageResource..

Displaying image from the sqlite database using cursor in android


to display image in imageview. Cursor c this.db.query TABLE_NAME new String name price image null null null null null name.setText c.getString 0 price.setText c.getString 1 byte b c.getBlob 2 Bitmap bp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray b 0 b.length ImageView..

Gesture detection and ScrollView issue


parent_id .get position .id TextView name TextView current_product_layout.findViewById R.id.name name.setText produit.libelle Load gallery int nPics produit.list_url_pic.size if nPics 0 ViewFlipper gallery ViewFlipper current_product_layout.findViewById..