

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:37

android Programming Glossary: nr

Multiple selection in custom ListView with CAB


new MultiChoiceModeListener private int nr 0 @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode ActionMode mode.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case R.id.finish_it nr 0 mAdapter.clearSelection Toast.makeText CABSelection.this.. mode int position long id boolean checked if checked nr mAdapter.setNewSelection position checked else nr mAdapter.removeSelection..

Android: How to create a Dialog without a title?


dialog builder.create TextView dialog.findViewById R.id.nr .setText number If I use this code I get a null Pointer Exception.. response to shown code I assume that TextView with the id nr is in the View you are inflating with View view inflater......

Scroll to last line of TableLayout within a ScrollView


void onClick View v Random rnd new Random TableRow nr new TableRow v.getContext for int c 0 c 3 c TextView nv new.. nv.setText Integer.toString rnd.nextInt 20 10 nr.addView nv TableLayout findViewById R.id.Table .addView nr.. nv TableLayout findViewById R.id.Table .addView nr Scrolls to line before last why ScrollView findViewById R.id.TableScroller..

Collections in ORMLite


private String ulica @DatabaseField private String nr @ForeignCollectionField private Collection Phone phone public.. String miasto a.getMiasto String ulica a.getUlica String nr a.getNr Then i do this and error appear 04 03 15 55 58.392 ERROR..

How do I render Tamil unicode in Android


à®™à q text text.replace à® q text text.replace சà nrs text text.replace சà Nrh text text.replace சà nrh text text.replace.. சà nrs text text.replace சà Nrh text text.replace சà nrh text text.replace சா rh text text.replace சி rp text text.replace.. சà R text text.replace சà R text text.replace சà nr text text.replace சà Nr text text.replace சà ir text text.replace..

Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException


hello public String getJSON @QueryParam number String nr String s Hi there The number is nr return s I get this stacktrace.. number String nr String s Hi there The number is nr return s I get this stacktrace in LogCat 02 18 16 26 06.446..

Multiple selection in custom ListView with CAB


ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL getListView .setMultiChoiceModeListener new MultiChoiceModeListener private int nr 0 @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode ActionMode mode Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate.. Toast.makeText CABSelection.this Deleted entries sb.toString Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show break case R.id.finish_it nr 0 mAdapter.clearSelection Toast.makeText CABSelection.this Finish the CAB Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show mode.finish return.. @Override public void onItemCheckedStateChanged ActionMode mode int position long id boolean checked if checked nr mAdapter.setNewSelection position checked else nr mAdapter.removeSelection position mode.setTitle nr rows selected..

Android: How to create a Dialog without a title?


new Dialog this dialog.setContentView R.layout.map_dialog dialog builder.create TextView dialog.findViewById R.id.nr .setText number If I use this code I get a null Pointer Exception in the last line. The dialog is not null so the TextView.. builder.setView layout alertDialog builder.create Edit in response to shown code I assume that TextView with the id nr is in the View you are inflating with View view inflater.... . If so then you need to change just one bit instead of dialog.findView.....

Scroll to last line of TableLayout within a ScrollView


R.id.AddRow .setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v Random rnd new Random TableRow nr new TableRow v.getContext for int c 0 c 3 c TextView nv new TextView v.getContext nv.setText Integer.toString rnd.nextInt.. v.getContext for int c 0 c 3 c TextView nv new TextView v.getContext nv.setText Integer.toString rnd.nextInt 20 10 nr.addView nv TableLayout findViewById R.id.Table .addView nr Scrolls to line before last why ScrollView findViewById R.id.TableScroller.. nv.setText Integer.toString rnd.nextInt 20 10 nr.addView nv TableLayout findViewById R.id.Table .addView nr Scrolls to line before last why ScrollView findViewById R.id.TableScroller .fullScroll View.FOCUS_DOWN main.xml xml..

Collections in ORMLite


Student student @DatabaseField private String miasto @DatabaseField private String ulica @DatabaseField private String nr @ForeignCollectionField private Collection Phone phone public class Phone @DatabaseField generatedId true private int id.. for Adres a adres int id a.getId String miasto a.getMiasto String ulica a.getUlica String nr a.getNr Then i do this and error appear 04 03 15 55 58.392 ERROR AndroidRuntime 6506 FATAL EXCEPTION main 04 03 15 55 58.392..

How do I render Tamil unicode in Android


nq text text.replace à®™à Nq text text.replace à®™à iq text text.replace à®™à q text text.replace à® q text text.replace சà nrs text text.replace சà Nrh text text.replace சà nrh text text.replace சா rh text text.replace சி rp text text.replace சà.. iq text text.replace à®™à q text text.replace à® q text text.replace சà nrs text text.replace சà Nrh text text.replace சà nrh text text.replace சா rh text text.replace சி rp text text.replace சà rP text text.replace சà R text text.replace சà R.. rh text text.replace சி rp text text.replace சà rP text text.replace சà R text text.replace சà R text text.replace சà nr text text.replace சà Nr text text.replace சà ir text text.replace சà r text text.replace à® r text text.replace ஞà nQs text..

Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException


AndroidService @GET @Produces MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON @Path hello public String getJSON @QueryParam number String nr String s Hi there The number is nr return s I get this stacktrace in LogCat 02 18 16 26 06.446 E AndroidRuntime 1381 FATAL.. @Path hello public String getJSON @QueryParam number String nr String s Hi there The number is nr return s I get this stacktrace in LogCat 02 18 16 26 06.446 E AndroidRuntime 1381 FATAL EXCEPTION AsyncTask #1 02 18 16..