

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:37

android Programming Glossary: numberformatexception

Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask


int parseContentLength byte headerBytes throws IOException NumberFormatException ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes.. header try mContentLength parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException nfe nfe.getStackTrace Log.d TAG catch NumberFormatException.. nfe nfe.getStackTrace Log.d TAG catch NumberFormatException hit nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset..

Converting a string to an integer on Android


et.getText .toString You will need to catch NumberFormatException though in case of problems whilst parsing so int myNum 0 try.. 0 try myNum Integer.parseInt et.getText .toString catch NumberFormatException nfe System.out.println Could not parse nfe share improve this..

How to Read MMS Data in Android?


try Long.parseLong number.replace name number catch NumberFormatException nfe if name null name number while cAdd.moveToNext if..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


.add new RouteOverlay gp2 gp2 3 catch NumberFormatException e Log.e myapp.APP Cannot draw route. e mMapView01.getOverlays..

Android and MJPEG


int parseContentLength byte headerBytes throws IOException NumberFormatException ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes.. header try mContentLength parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset..

Decimal separator comma (',') with numberDecimal inputType in EditText


Double.parseDouble s.toString .replace ' ' '.' catch NumberFormatException e Error Do something with doubleValue share improve this..

How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?


getApplicationContext R.style.GreenText green catch NumberFormatException e System.out.println not a number catch NullPointerException..

Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC


thisCell.getRssi log thisNeighCID thisNeighRSSI catch NumberFormatException e e.printStackTrace NeighboringCellInfo thisCell neighCell.get..

Can someone explain how TrafficStats works its magic in the Android OS?


contents try return Long.parseLong contents catch NumberFormatException nfex Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are not numeric filename.. contents null try return Long.parseLong contents catch NumberFormatException nfex Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are not numeric filename..

Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart


.toString if temp_red 0 temp_red 255 throw new NumberFormatException Log.d Pick_Color temp_red temp_red break case R.id.GREEN_TEXT.. .toString if temp_green 0 temp_green 255 throw new NumberFormatException Log.d Pick_Color temp_green temp_green break case R.id.BLUE_TEXT.. .toString if temp_blue 0 temp_blue 255 throw new NumberFormatException Log.d Pick_Color temp_blue temp_blue break catch NumberFormatException..

Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files


range.substring minus 1 endAt Long.parseLong endR catch NumberFormatException nfe if startFrom file.fileSize sendError socket HTTP_416..

Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask


in sequence return end 0 1 end sequence.length private int parseContentLength byte headerBytes throws IOException NumberFormatException ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return.. SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header try mContentLength parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException nfe nfe.getStackTrace Log.d TAG catch NumberFormatException hit nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset.. try mContentLength parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException nfe nfe.getStackTrace Log.d TAG catch NumberFormatException hit nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset byte frameData new byte mContentLength skipBytes headerLen..

Converting a string to an integer on Android


developer.android.com reference java lang Integer.html Integer.parseInt et.getText .toString You will need to catch NumberFormatException though in case of problems whilst parsing so int myNum 0 try myNum Integer.parseInt et.getText .toString catch NumberFormatException..

How to Read MMS Data in Android?


cAdd.getString cAdd.getColumnIndex address if number null try Long.parseLong number.replace name number catch NumberFormatException nfe if name null name number while cAdd.moveToNext if cAdd null cAdd.close return name Final thoughts Can't understand..

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?


pairs i routeOverlays.add new RouteOverlay gp2 gp2 3 mMapView01.getOverlays .add new RouteOverlay gp2 gp2 3 catch NumberFormatException e Log.e myapp.APP Cannot draw route. e mMapView01.getOverlays .addAll routeOverlays use the default color mMapView01.setEnabled..

Android and MJPEG


in sequence return end 0 1 end sequence.length private int parseContentLength byte headerBytes throws IOException NumberFormatException ByteArrayInputStream headerIn new ByteArrayInputStream headerBytes Properties props new Properties props.load headerIn return.. SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header try mContentLength parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset byte frameData new byte mContentLength skipBytes headerLen readFully..

Decimal separator comma (',') with numberDecimal inputType in EditText


How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern?


if selectedPos position holder.changeText.setTextAppearance getApplicationContext R.style.GreenText green catch NumberFormatException e System.out.println not a number catch NullPointerException e System.out.println null number holder.changeText.setText..

Null Issue with NeighboringCellInfo, CID and LAC


i int thisNeighCID thisCell.getCid int thisNeighRSSI thisCell.getRssi log thisNeighCID thisNeighRSSI catch NumberFormatException e e.printStackTrace NeighboringCellInfo thisCell neighCell.get i log neighCell.toString But in this case the application..

Can someone explain how TrafficStats works its magic in the Android OS?


contents IOUtils.readFileAsString f if StringUtils.IsNotNullOrEmpty contents try return Long.parseLong contents catch NumberFormatException nfex Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are not numeric filename else Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are empty filename .. f.length String contents f.readLine if contents.isEmpty contents null try return Long.parseLong contents catch NumberFormatException nfex Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are not numeric filename else Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are empty filename..

Android example which uses onResume, onStart and onRestart


case R.id.RED_TEXT flag 1 temp_red Integer.parseInt RED.getText .toString if temp_red 0 temp_red 255 throw new NumberFormatException Log.d Pick_Color temp_red temp_red break case R.id.GREEN_TEXT flag 2 temp_green Integer.parseInt GREEN.getText .toString.. flag 2 temp_green Integer.parseInt GREEN.getText .toString if temp_green 0 temp_green 255 throw new NumberFormatException Log.d Pick_Color temp_green temp_green break case R.id.BLUE_TEXT flag 3 temp_blue Integer.parseInt BLUE.getText.. R.id.BLUE_TEXT flag 3 temp_blue Integer.parseInt BLUE.getText .toString if temp_blue 0 temp_blue 255 throw new NumberFormatException Log.d Pick_Color temp_blue temp_blue break catch NumberFormatException n if flag 1 RED.setText Log.d Pick Color..

Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files


0 minus startFrom Long.parseLong startR String endR range.substring minus 1 endAt Long.parseLong endR catch NumberFormatException nfe if startFrom file.fileSize sendError socket HTTP_416 null inS.close return if endAt 0 endAt file.fileSize 1..