

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:37

android Programming Glossary: nvps

HTTP POST request with authorization on android


HttpClient 4.1 java 1.5 post.setHeader Host myhost.com post.setHeader Authorization getB64Auth List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair data body test AbstractHttpEntity ent new UrlEncodedFormEntity.. Host myhost.com post.setHeader Authorization getB64Auth List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair data body test AbstractHttpEntity ent new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.UTF_8 ent.setContentType.. ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair data body test AbstractHttpEntity ent new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.UTF_8 ent.setContentType application x www form urlencoded charset UTF 8 ent.setContentEncoding UTF 8 post.setEntity..

How do I make an http request using cookies on Android?


amserver UI Login org self_registered_users goto portal dt gotoOnFail portal dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken1 username nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken2 password.. goto portal dt gotoOnFail portal dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken1 username nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken2 password httpost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity.. dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken1 username nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken2 password httpost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.UTF_8 response httpclient.execute..

ignore ssl errors in DefaultHttpClient


generated catch block return error e.getMessage And public static String makePOSTRequest String s List NameValuePair nvps String encoding DefaultHttpClient http new DefaultHttpClient final String username USERNAME final String password PASSWORD.. cP HttpResponse res try HttpPost httpost new HttpPost s httpost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET res http.execute httpost InputStream is res.getEntity .getContent BufferedInputStream bis new..