

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:07

android Programming Glossary: p.set

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


.getProjection Point p proj.toScreenLocation latLng p.set p.x p.y offset return proj.fromScreenLocation p 5. draw MarkerOptions..

Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image


Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize h w System.out.println PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize.. p.setPreviewSize h w System.out.println PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize h 3 w 3 is around 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters.. h w p.setPictureSize h 3 w 3 is around 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay..

Camera preview on Android - strange on Samsung Galaxy S


Surface.ROTATION_90 Parameters p camera.getParameters p.setPictureSize IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT p.set ORIENTATION PORTRAIT.. p.setPictureSize IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT p.set ORIENTATION PORTRAIT p.set ROTATION 90 p.setPreviewSize 640.. IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT p.set ORIENTATION PORTRAIT p.set ROTATION 90 p.setPreviewSize 640 480 Camera.Size s p.getSupportedPreviewSizes..

How to set Android camera orientation properly?


.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT p.set orientation portrait p.set rotation 90 if getResources .getConfiguration.. p.set orientation portrait p.set rotation 90 if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation.. .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE p.set orientation landscape p.set rotation 90 Version 2.1 depend..

android camera surfaceview orientation


.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE p.set orientation portrait CameraApi is a wrapper to check for backwards..

Android Maps API v2 draw circle


latLng new LatLng lat lng Projection proj YourActivity.getMap .getProjection Point p proj.toScreenLocation latLng p.set p.x p.y offset return proj.fromScreenLocation p 5. draw MarkerOptions options new MarkerOptions options.position getCoords..

Failed Binder Transaction when returning camera image


holder int format int w int h if mPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize h w System.out.println PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize h 3 w 3 is around 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters.. mCamera.stopPreview Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters p.setPreviewSize h w System.out.println PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize h 3 w 3 is around 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch.. p.setPreviewSize h w System.out.println PreviewSize h w p.setPictureSize h 3 w 3 is around 1200x900 p.set rotation 90 mCamera.setParameters p try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mCamera.startPreview..

Camera preview on Android - strange on Samsung Galaxy S


Camera.open Surface.setOrientation Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY Surface.ROTATION_90 Parameters p camera.getParameters p.setPictureSize IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT p.set ORIENTATION PORTRAIT p.set ROTATION 90 p.setPreviewSize 640 480 Camera.Size s.. Surface.ROTATION_90 Parameters p camera.getParameters p.setPictureSize IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT p.set ORIENTATION PORTRAIT p.set ROTATION 90 p.setPreviewSize 640 480 Camera.Size s p.getSupportedPreviewSizes .get 0 Log.d APP.. Parameters p camera.getParameters p.setPictureSize IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT p.set ORIENTATION PORTRAIT p.set ROTATION 90 p.setPreviewSize 640 480 Camera.Size s p.getSupportedPreviewSizes .get 0 Log.d APP preview params s.width s.height..

How to set Android camera orientation properly?


and it is good for most of devices if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT p.set orientation portrait p.set rotation 90 if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE.. devices if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT p.set orientation portrait p.set rotation 90 if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE p.set orientation landscape.. portrait p.set rotation 90 if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE p.set orientation landscape p.set rotation 90 Version 2.1 depend on kind of devices for example Cannt fix the issue with XPeria..

android camera surfaceview orientation


p m_camera.getParameters if getResources .getConfiguration .orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE p.set orientation portrait CameraApi is a wrapper to check for backwards compatibility if CameraApi.isSetRotationSupported CameraApi.setRotation..