

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:07

android Programming Glossary: packagemanager.get_activities

How to check if the application is installed or not in android programmatically


appInstalledOrNot String uri PackageManager pm getPackageManager boolean app_installed false try pm.getPackageInfo uri PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES app_installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e app_installed false return app_installed share improve..

How to specify Activities that are only for phones or tablets on Android


isHoneycombTablet context try final ActivityInfo activity_info package_manager.getPackageInfo context.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES PackageManager.GET_META_DATA .activities for ActivityInfo info activity_info final String target_device info.metaData.getString..

PackageManager.getInstalledPackages() returns empty list


possibly be causing this I am using this code to get the list List pkgList getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES I am building against the 1.6 SDK with compatibility for 1.5 Thanks in advance for any suggestions help... I'm really baffled..

Detect an application is installed or not?


String packageName PackageManager pm getPackageManager boolean installed false try pm.getPackageInfo packageName PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e installed false return installed share improve this answer..

How to show icon of apk in my File manager


.apk String filePath file.getPath PackageInfo packageInfo context.getPackageManager .getPackageArchiveInfo filePath PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES if packageInfo null ApplicationInfo appInfo packageInfo.applicationInfo if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 8 appInfo.sourceDir filePath..

Suppressing Google Maps Intent Selection Dialog


uri PackageManager pm getApplicationContext .getPackageManager boolean app_installed false try pm.getPackageInfo uri PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES app_installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e app_installed false return app_installed share improve..