

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:30

android Programming Glossary: pname

How to retriving base64 strings(large image) from server to android


institute orderno name mobno handeled regdat delvdat pname pamt dirby regby delby String val11 val12 val13 val14 String.. TextView this.findViewById R.id.ordernoeditText this.pname TextView this.findViewById R.id.insTextView this.submit Button.. should be a base String resultData result.toString pname.setText resultData byte decodedString Base64.decode resultData..

READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16)


app after that for the change to take effect though String pname getPackageName String CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS su c null if getPackageManager.. .checkPermission android.Manifest.permission.READ_LOGS pname 0 Log.d TAG we do not have the READ_LOGS permission if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.. 2 String.format pm grant s android.permission.READ_LOGS pname java.lang.Process p Runtime.getRuntime .exec CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS..

Catching market search intents?


new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market search q pname com.google.somepackage Now here's the intent filter for one..

Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter?


SearchItem o subItems.get position if o null TextView pname TextView v.findViewById R.id.productname TextView neg TextView.. o.getImageUrl .toString productPhoto.loadImage if pname null pname.setText o.getProductName .toString if neg null.. .toString productPhoto.loadImage if pname null pname.setText o.getProductName .toString if neg null String a..

Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web


got the package name you simply link to market search q pname package_name or http market.android.com search q pname package_name.. q pname package_name or http market.android.com search q pname package_name . Both will open the market on an Android device..

Make a link in the Android browser start up my app?


will start up the Android Market a href market search q pname com.nytimes.android click me a Update The answer I accepted..

Download app if intent not installed


new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market search q pname com.google.scan startActivity marketIntent share improve this..

Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite


me image with DB public void prettyPrint public String appname asd public String pname asd public String versionName asd public.. void prettyPrint public String appname asd public String pname asd public String versionName asd public int versionCode 0 public.. getBaseContext i1.insertDataUser off_appinfo4 appid appname pname versionName versionCode icon x package com.AppInfo import..

How to retriving base64 strings(large image) from server to android


submit clr ext private ImageView imageView private TextView institute orderno name mobno handeled regdat delvdat pname pamt dirby regby delby String val11 val12 val13 val14 String str null str2 null String error 0 IiD private static final.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main this.orderno TextView this.findViewById R.id.ordernoeditText this.pname TextView this.findViewById R.id.insTextView this.submit Button this.findViewById R.id.getbutton this.clr Button this.findViewById.. result SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse to get the data should be a base String resultData result.toString pname.setText resultData byte decodedString Base64.decode resultData Base64.DEFAULT Bitmap decodedByte BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..

READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16)


from your app. Probably you will have to restart the app after that for the change to take effect though String pname getPackageName String CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS su c null if getPackageManager .checkPermission android.Manifest.permission.READ_LOGS.. String CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS su c null if getPackageManager .checkPermission android.Manifest.permission.READ_LOGS pname 0 Log.d TAG we do not have the READ_LOGS permission if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 16 Log.d TAG Working around JellyBeans.. try format the commandline parameter CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS 2 String.format pm grant s android.permission.READ_LOGS pname java.lang.Process p Runtime.getRuntime .exec CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS int res p.waitFor Log.d TAG exec returned res if res 0..

Catching market search intents?


Market and search for an app by package name startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market search q pname com.google.somepackage Now here's the intent filter for one of my activities intent filter action android name android.intent.action.VIEW..

Android How do i overwrite the filter for my ArrayAdapter?


if v null v inflater.inflate R.layout.listrow null SearchItem o subItems.get position if o null TextView pname TextView v.findViewById R.id.productname TextView neg TextView v.findViewById R.id.negNum TextView pos TextView v.findViewById.. R.id.pPhoto if productPhoto null productPhoto.setImageUrl o.getImageUrl .toString productPhoto.loadImage if pname null pname.setText o.getProductName .toString if neg null String a o.getNegativeReviews neg.setText a if neu null.. if productPhoto null productPhoto.setImageUrl o.getImageUrl .toString productPhoto.loadImage if pname null pname.setText o.getProductName .toString if neg null String a o.getNegativeReviews neg.setText a if neu null String..

Find package name for Android apps to use Intent to launch Market app from web


from an Android app using the PackageManager Once you've got the package name you simply link to market search q pname package_name or http market.android.com search q pname package_name . Both will open the market on an Android device the.. you've got the package name you simply link to market search q pname package_name or http market.android.com search q pname package_name . Both will open the market on an Android device the latter obviously has the potential to work on other hardware..

Make a link in the Android browser start up my app?


be done with other apps Here is an example of a link that will start up the Android Market a href market search q pname com.nytimes.android click me a Update The answer I accepted provided by eldarerathis works great but I just want to mention..

Download app if intent not installed


Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite


BLOB but it display empty nothing into DB. so can you help me image with DB public void prettyPrint public String appname asd public String pname asd public String versionName asd public int versionCode 0 public Drawable icon android.im.... Insall_app_db.. nothing into DB. so can you help me image with DB public void prettyPrint public String appname asd public String pname asd public String versionName asd public int versionCode 0 public Drawable icon android.im.... Insall_app_db i1 new Insall_app_db.. appInfo3 getBaseContext i1.createTable off_appinfo4 getBaseContext i1.insertDataUser off_appinfo4 appid appname pname versionName versionCode icon x package com.AppInfo import java.sql.Blob import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.ArrayList..