

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:37

android Programming Glossary: progress.setvisibility

Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly


.show finish login_fb.setEnabled true progress.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE @Override public void onActivityResult int.. error.getErrorMessage Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else progress.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE toastmessage Posted Successfully Toast.makeText..

How to load AnimationDrawable from xml file


ImageView findViewById R.id.progress_bar if progress null progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE AnimationDrawable frameAnimation AnimationDrawable..

Progressbar togther with asyncTask


parent.finish For shownig hiding your progress bar use progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE and progress.setVisibility View.GONE . There is.. progress bar use progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE and progress.setVisibility View.GONE . There is also View.INVISIBLE constant its difference..

Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.”


rawBinder .getService service that handles the MediaPlayer progress.setVisibility SeekBar.VISIBLE progress.setProgress 0 mp appService.getMP appService.playSong..

Using gps get the distance a person has walked


progress ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBar1 progress.setVisibility View.GONE buttonGetLocation Button findViewById R.id.buttonGetLocation.. @Override public void onClick View v progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE exceptions will be thrown if provider is not permitted... builder.setNeutralButton Cancel this builder.create .show progress.setVisibility View.GONE if gps_enabled locManager.requestLocationUpdates..

Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly


user.getName Logged in Successfully. T Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show finish login_fb.setEnabled true progress.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE @Override public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult.. Toast.makeText ShareOnFacebook.this .getApplicationContext error.getErrorMessage Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else progress.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE toastmessage Posted Successfully Toast.makeText ShareOnFacebook.this .getApplicationContext toastmessage..

How to load AnimationDrawable from xml file


android duration 150 animation list Code ImageView progress ImageView findViewById R.id.progress_bar if progress null progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE AnimationDrawable frameAnimation AnimationDrawable progress.getDrawable frameAnimation.setCallback progress..

Progressbar togther with asyncTask


index @Override protected void onPostExecute final Void result parent.finish For shownig hiding your progress bar use progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE and progress.setVisibility View.GONE . There is also View.INVISIBLE constant its difference from GONE is that.. final Void result parent.finish For shownig hiding your progress bar use progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE and progress.setVisibility View.GONE . There is also View.INVISIBLE constant its difference from GONE is that your progress bar is not drawn but still..

Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.”


IBinder rawBinder appService MPService.LocalBinder rawBinder .getService service that handles the MediaPlayer progress.setVisibility SeekBar.VISIBLE progress.setProgress 0 mp appService.getMP appService.playSong title progress.setMax mp.getDuration new..

Using gps get the distance a person has walked


EditText findViewById R.id.editTextShowLocation progress ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBar1 progress.setVisibility View.GONE buttonGetLocation Button findViewById R.id.buttonGetLocation buttonGetLocation.setOnClickListener this locManager.. this locManager LocationManager this.getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE @Override public void onClick View v progress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE exceptions will be thrown if provider is not permitted. try gps_enabled locManager.isProviderEnabled LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER.. location providers builder.setPositiveButton OK this builder.setNeutralButton Cancel this builder.create .show progress.setVisibility View.GONE if gps_enabled locManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER 0 0 locListener if network_enabled..