

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:37

android Programming Glossary: progressbar.setvisibility

Android WebView File Upload


progress 100 progressBar.getVisibility ProgressBar.GONE progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE progressBar.setProgress progress if progress.. progressBar.setProgress progress if progress 100 progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.GONE public void openFileChooser ValueCallback.. progressBar ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBar1 progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE return true webView.loadUrl https m.facebook.com..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


R.id.loading mWebview.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE mWebview.setWebViewClient new MyWebViewClient this.. view.startAnimation fade view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.GONE @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view..

How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview?


R.id.loading mWebview.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE mWebview.setWebViewClient new MyWebViewClient.. view.startAnimation fade view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.GONE @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view..

android: how do i use the progress bar?


mp.start status.setText R.string.PlayingMedia progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE progressBar.setProgress 0 progressBar.setMax.. mp null mp.stop mp null status.setText R.string.Stopped progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.GONE @Override public void run int currentPosition..

File Upload in WebView


Auto generated method stub super.onPageFinished view url progressBar.setVisibility View.GONE flipscreen not loading again @Override public void..

Android WebView File Upload


progressBar ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBar1 if progress 100 progressBar.getVisibility ProgressBar.GONE progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE progressBar.setProgress progress if progress 100 progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.GONE public.. ProgressBar.GONE progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE progressBar.setProgress progress if progress 100 progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.GONE public void openFileChooser ValueCallback Uri uploadMsg mUploadMessage uploadMsg Intent i new Intent.. WebView view String url view.loadUrl url ProgressBar progressBar ProgressBar findViewById R.id.progressBar1 progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE return true webView.loadUrl https m.facebook.com @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent..

How to detect 412 precondition failed errors in android webview url


R.id.webview progressBar LinearLayout view.findViewById R.id.loading mWebview.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE mWebview.setWebViewClient new MyWebViewClient this mWebview mWebview.setBackgroundColor 0 mWebview.getSettings.. fade new AlphaAnimation 0.0f 1.0f fade.setDuration 200 view.startAnimation fade view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.GONE @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view int errorCode String description String failingUrl Toast.makeText..

How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview?


R.id.webview progressBar LinearLayout view.findViewById R.id.loading mWebview.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE mWebview.setWebViewClient new MyWebViewClient this mWebview mWebview.getSettings .setUseWideViewPort true.. fade new AlphaAnimation 0.0f 1.0f fade.setDuration 200 view.startAnimation fade view.setVisibility View.VISIBLE progressBar.setVisibility View.GONE @Override public void onReceivedError WebView view int errorCode String description String failingUrl Toast.makeText..

android: how do i use the progress bar?


return mp MediaPlayer.create Player.this R.raw.exodus_piranha mp.start status.setText R.string.PlayingMedia progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.VISIBLE progressBar.setProgress 0 progressBar.setMax mp.getDuration new Thread this .start if v.equals stop.. mp.getDuration new Thread this .start if v.equals stop mp null mp.stop mp null status.setText R.string.Stopped progressBar.setVisibility ProgressBar.GONE @Override public void run int currentPosition 0 int total mp.getDuration while mp null currentPosition..

File Upload in WebView


public void onPageFinished WebView view String url TODO Auto generated method stub super.onPageFinished view url progressBar.setVisibility View.GONE flipscreen not loading again @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration newConfig super.onConfigurationChanged..