

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:05

android Programming Glossary: r.id.checkbox1

custom checkbox difficulty in android


CheckBox chk CheckBox rowView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 textView.setText values.get position ImageView imageView ImageView..

android Multiple selection ListView & Textview


holder new ViewHolder holder.chk CheckBox v.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 holder.tv_name TextView v.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.tv_bal..

How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?


new ViewHolder holder.cb CheckBox rowView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 holder.tv TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.iv..

Checking a checkbox in listview makes other random checkboxes checked too


R.id.imageView1 holder.ckbox CheckBox row.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 row.setTag holder else holder Holder convertView.getTag holder.ckbox.setFocusable..

Quick dialog using onclick search view in android


CheckBox check CheckBox container.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 check.setText title TextView text TextView container.findViewById..

Listview with custom adapter containing CheckBoxes


position CheckBox viewArray position .findViewById R.id.checkBox1 checkBoxArray position .setChecked checked position checkBoxArray.. getItem position CheckBox cBox CheckBox view.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 cBox.setTag Integer.valueOf position set the tag so we can identify..

What is the way to run a new thread and a UI thread in Android? [closed]


pText.startAnimation slideIn box CheckBox findViewById R.id.checkBox1 box.startAnimation fadeIn login.startAnimation fadeIn @Override..

How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview?


vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name gen position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked..

in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down


vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false..

Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view


R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get..

How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list


vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get..

Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button


R.id.textView1 holder.chkSelect CheckBox row.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 row.setTag holder else holder AppInfoHolder row.getTag AppInfo..

Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox


holder.check CheckBox convertView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 holder.check.setOnClickListener CustomList.this convertView.setTag..

custom checkbox difficulty in android


false TextView textView TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.text1_check CheckBox chk CheckBox rowView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 textView.setText values.get position ImageView imageView ImageView rowView.findViewById R.id.icon_image_check try if obj.get..

android Multiple selection ListView & Textview


v layoutinf.inflate R.layout.row null holder new ViewHolder holder.chk CheckBox v.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 holder.tv_name TextView v.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.tv_bal TextView v.findViewById R.id.textView2 holder.tv_email..

How do I link a checkbox for every contact in populated listview?


inflater.inflate R.layout.inflated_layout null false holder new ViewHolder holder.cb CheckBox rowView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 holder.tv TextView rowView.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.iv ImageView rowView.findViewById R.id.imageView1 rowView.setTag..

Checking a checkbox in listview makes other random checkboxes checked too


holder new Holder holder.appIcon ImageView row.findViewById R.id.imageView1 holder.ckbox CheckBox row.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 row.setTag holder else holder Holder convertView.getTag holder.ckbox.setFocusable false holder.appIcon.setImageDrawable..

Quick dialog using onclick search view in android


null ImageView img ImageView container.findViewById R.id.iv_icon CheckBox check CheckBox container.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 check.setText title TextView text TextView container.findViewById R.id.tv_title if icon null img.setImageDrawable icon else..

Listview with custom adapter containing CheckBoxes


R.id.engName tv.setText englishNames position checkBoxArray position CheckBox viewArray position .findViewById R.id.checkBox1 checkBoxArray position .setChecked checked position checkBoxArray position .setOnCheckedChangeListener this return viewArray.. tv TextView view.findViewById R.id.engName tv.setText getItem position CheckBox cBox CheckBox view.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 cBox.setTag Integer.valueOf position set the tag so we can identify the correct row in the listener cBox.setChecked mChecked..

What is the way to run a new thread and a UI thread in Android? [closed]


this R.anim.slideanimation eText.startAnimation slideIn pText.startAnimation slideIn box CheckBox findViewById R.id.checkBox1 box.startAnimation fadeIn login.startAnimation fadeIn @Override public void onClick View v user email.getText .toString..

How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview?


vi mInflater.inflate R.layout.checkbox null tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name gen position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener..

in gridview checkbox is unchecked while scrolling gridview up and down


R.layout.checkbox null imageview ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get position false cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener this return vi public boolean..

Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view


tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get..

How to obtain the checked rows in a custom view list


tv TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView1 tv1 TextView vi.findViewById R.id.textView2 cb CheckBox vi.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 tv.setText Name name1.get position tv1.setText Phone No phno1.get position cb.setTag position cb.setChecked mCheckStates.get..

Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button


R.id.imageView1 holder.txtTitle TextView row.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.chkSelect CheckBox row.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 row.setTag holder else holder AppInfoHolder row.getTag AppInfo appinfo data position holder.txtTitle.setText appinfo.applicationName..

Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox


holder.image ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.imageView1 holder.check CheckBox convertView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 holder.check.setOnClickListener CustomList.this convertView.setTag holder holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag EachRow..