

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:06

android Programming Glossary: r.id.imageview1

Passing image from one activity another activity


0 byteArray.length ImageView image ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 image.setImageBitmap bmp 2 First Save image into SDCard and..

Android image view from url


R.layout.main ImageView imgView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 Drawable drawable LoadImageFromWebOperations http www.gophoto.it..

How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter


null ImageView img ImageView vw.findViewById R.id.imageView1 TextView tv TextView vw.findViewById R.id.textView1 btn Button..

Listview click to show image in ImageView


R.id.button1 holder.img_p ImageView v.findViewById R.id.imageView1 v.setTag holder else holder ListContent v.getTag holder.name.setText..

Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3


bos.toByteArray ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 Bitmap bt Bitmap.createScaledBitmap photo 100 80 false imageview.setImageBitmap.. bos.toByteArray ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageview.setImageBitmap photo @Override public void onCreate.. .getData ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageview.setImageURI imageURI if imageURI null Toast.makeText..

Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow


R.id.textView1 ImageView iv ImageView v.findViewById R.id.imageView1 tv1.setText i.getTitle DisplayImageOptions options new DisplayImageOptions.Builder..

Open Multiple Listview Item Click to One Class


given button ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageView.setImageResource imageId find and set listview imtes..

How to cache bitmaps into native memory


final ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap bitmap2 bitmapHolder2.getBitmapAndFree..

Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button


AppInfoHolder holder.imgIcon ImageView row.findViewById R.id.imageView1 holder.txtTitle TextView row.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.chkSelect..

Zoom Image on image click Event


findViewById R.id.button3 img1 ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 img2 ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView2 img3 ImageView findViewById..

Rotate image in android


display the image ImageView img1 ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 scale it to fit the screen x and y swapped because my image..

Capturing Sound for Analysis and Visualizing Frequencies in Android


blockSize imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap int 256 int 100 Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888..

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity


R.layout.main this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton Button this.findViewById R.id.button1 photoButton.setOnClickListener..

How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button?


R.layout.main bmImage ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 textView TextView findViewById R.id.textView1 start Button findViewById..

Custom ListView Android


data R.layout.row new String Icon Chance TeamID new int R.id.imageView1 R.id.textView1 R.id.textView2 setListAdapter adapter res layout..

How to pass drawable between activities


b 0 b.length ImageView image ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 image.setImageBitmap bmp 2 Saving image file and passing its..

Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox


holder.image ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.imageView1 holder.check CheckBox convertView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1..

Android How to save camera images in database and display another activity in list view?


this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button B Button this.findViewById R.id.camera B.setOnClickListener..

Passing image from one activity another activity


picture Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray byteArray 0 byteArray.length ImageView image ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 image.setImageBitmap bmp 2 First Save image into SDCard and in next activity set this image into ImageView. 3 Pass Bitmap..

Android image view from url


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main ImageView imgView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 Drawable drawable LoadImageFromWebOperations http www.gophoto.it view.php i http 1.bp.blogspot.com 2LTvCCufBKc T3L3KgcTj2I..

How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter


edt EditText ll.getChildAt 0 vw inflater.inflate R.layout.list_items null ImageView img ImageView vw.findViewById R.id.imageView1 TextView tv TextView vw.findViewById R.id.textView1 btn Button vw.findViewById R.id.button1 tv.setText String.valueOf list.get..

Listview click to show image in ImageView


v.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.button Button v.findViewById R.id.button1 holder.img_p ImageView v.findViewById R.id.imageView1 v.setTag holder else holder ListContent v.getTag holder.name.setText text position holder.button.setText text position..

Camera intent not working with Samsung Galaxy S3


photo.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 bos b bos.toByteArray ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 Bitmap bt Bitmap.createScaledBitmap photo 100 80 false imageview.setImageBitmap bt However this was not working with Samsung.. photo.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG 70 bos b bos.toByteArray ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageview.setImageBitmap photo @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. data imageCam thumbnail else Uri imageURI getIntent .getData ImageView imageview ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageview.setImageURI imageURI if imageURI null Toast.makeText this YES Image Uri Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show super.onActivityResult..

Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow


i items.get marker.getId TextView tv1 TextView v.findViewById R.id.textView1 ImageView iv ImageView v.findViewById R.id.imageView1 tv1.setText i.getTitle DisplayImageOptions options new DisplayImageOptions.Builder .delayBeforeLoading 5000 .build imageLoader.getMemoryCache..

Open Multiple Listview Item Click to One Class


to buttonId int imageId IMAGE_IDS buttonIdx image to show for given button ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageView.setImageResource imageId find and set listview imtes according to buttonId String items LISTVIEW_DATA buttonIdx..

How to cache bitmaps into native memory


R.layout.activity_main bitmap bitmapHolder.getBitmapAndFree final ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap bitmap2 bitmapHolder2.getBitmapAndFree final ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById..

Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button


row inflater.inflate layoutResourceId parent false holder new AppInfoHolder holder.imgIcon ImageView row.findViewById R.id.imageView1 holder.txtTitle TextView row.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.chkSelect CheckBox row.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 row.setTag..

Zoom Image on image click Event


Button btn2 Button findViewById R.id.button2 Button btn3 Button findViewById R.id.button3 img1 ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 img2 ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView2 img3 ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView3 contentImage ImageView findViewById..

Rotate image in android


get a reference to the ImageView component that will display the image ImageView img1 ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 scale it to fit the screen x and y swapped because my image is wider than it is tall Bitmap scaledBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap..

Capturing Sound for Analysis and Visualizing Frequencies in Android


startStopButton.setOnClickListener this transformer new RealDoubleFFT blockSize imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap int 256 int 100 Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 canvas new Canvas bitmap paint new Paint paint.setColor..

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton Button this.findViewById R.id.button1 photoButton.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override..

How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button?


savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main bmImage ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 textView TextView findViewById R.id.textView1 start Button findViewById R.id.button1 start.setOnClickListener this DownloadFile..

Custom ListView Android


SimpleAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this data R.layout.row new String Icon Chance TeamID new int R.id.imageView1 R.id.textView1 R.id.textView2 setListAdapter adapter res layout row.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..

How to pass drawable between activities


picture Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray b 0 b.length ImageView image ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView1 image.setImageBitmap bmp 2 Saving image file and passing its reference to another activity WHY to do so taken from http..

Android how to identify item in listview with checkbox


holder.textView TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.textView1 holder.image ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.imageView1 holder.check CheckBox convertView.findViewById R.id.checkBox1 holder.check.setOnClickListener CustomList.this convertView.setTag..

Android How to save camera images in database and display another activity in list view?


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.photoactivity this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button B Button this.findViewById R.id.camera B.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v..