

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:06

android Programming Glossary: r.id.picture

How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock


picture Constants.URL recipeGeneral.getImg_url Log.d TAG picture picture viewPicture ImageView findViewById R.id.picture new DownloadImageTask .execute pictures viewDescription TextView findViewById R.id.recepy_description TextView viewTitle..

Gridview with two columns and auto resized images


View v view ImageView picture TextView name if v null v inflater.inflate R.layout.grid_item viewGroup false v.setTag R.id.picture v.findViewById R.id.picture v.setTag R.id.text v.findViewById R.id.text picture ImageView v.getTag R.id.picture name TextView.. TextView name if v null v inflater.inflate R.layout.grid_item viewGroup false v.setTag R.id.picture v.findViewById R.id.picture v.setTag R.id.text v.findViewById R.id.text picture ImageView v.getTag R.id.picture name TextView v.getTag R.id.text Item.. R.id.picture v.findViewById R.id.picture v.setTag R.id.text v.findViewById R.id.text picture ImageView v.getTag R.id.picture name TextView v.getTag R.id.text Item item Item getItem i picture.setImageResource item.drawableId name.setText item.name..

Listview shows wrong images


null Drink drink allItems.get position if drink null v null imageView ImageView v.findViewById R.id.picture textView TextView v.findViewById R.id.drinkName imageView.setVisibility View.GONE loadImageBitmap drink imageView textView.setText.. R.layout.drink_list_row null Drink drink allItems.get position if drink null v null imageView ImageView v.findViewById R.id.picture textView TextView v.findViewById R.id.drinkName imageView.setVisibility View.GONE imageView.setImageBitmap bitmapList position..