

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:06

android Programming Glossary: r.id.main

Access a typeface once from asset and use it as a reference


TextView txtMain TextView view.findViewById R.id.main txtMain.setTypeface contentFont txtMain.setText result.getContent.. TextView txtMain TextView view.findViewById R.id.main txtMain.setTypeface FontUtil.getTypeface mContext FontType.CONTENT_FONT..

Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0?


How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android?


LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard findViewById R.id.main mainLayout.setListener this ... @Override public void onSoftKeyboardShown..

Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity


R.id.popup 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById R.id.main Gravity.CENTER 0 0 Second I did the exact same with this code.. R.layout.main 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById R.id.main_page_layout Gravity.CENTER 0 0 The first throws a NullPointerException.. are called activity window is displayed findViewById R.id.main_page_layout .post new Runnable public void run pw.showAtLocation..

PopupWindow in android


false 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation this.findViewById R.id.main Gravity.CENTER 0 0 My requirement is that I need a TEXTVIEW..

getting null pointer exception?


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.id.main testGetContacts lv ListView findViewById R.id.listview ArrayAdapter..

Awful background image quality in Android


getResources R.drawable.gradient options findViewById R.id.main .setBackgroundDrawable new BitmapDrawable gradient Comparison..

Positing user current location and show it in Google maps


view LinearLayout linearLayout LinearLayout findViewById R.id.main mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true Either satellite or 2d mapView.setSatellite..

Access a typeface once from asset and use it as a reference


Typeface.createFromAsset context.getAssets fonts InterstateLight.ttf TextView txtMain TextView view.findViewById R.id.main txtMain.setTypeface contentFont txtMain.setText result.getContent android share improve this question I hope this.. mContext FontType.TITLE_FONT txtTitle.setText result.getTitle TextView txtMain TextView view.findViewById R.id.main txtMain.setTypeface FontUtil.getTypeface mContext FontType.CONTENT_FONT txtMain.setText result.getContent share improve..

Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0?


How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android?


savedInstanceState ... LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard mainLayout LinearLayoutThatDetectsSoftKeyboard findViewById R.id.main mainLayout.setListener this ... @Override public void onSoftKeyboardShown boolean isShowing do whatever you need to do here..

Problems creating a Popup Window in Android Activity


of my main Activity PopupWindow pw new PopupWindow findViewById R.id.popup 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById R.id.main Gravity.CENTER 0 0 Second I did the exact same with this code final LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater this.getSystemService.. inflater.inflate R.layout.popup ViewGroup findViewById R.layout.main 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation findViewById R.id.main_page_layout Gravity.CENTER 0 0 The first throws a NullPointerException and the second throws a BadTokenException and says.. to defer showing the popup until after all the lifecycle methods are called activity window is displayed findViewById R.id.main_page_layout .post new Runnable public void run pw.showAtLocation findViewById R.id.main_page_layout Gravity.CENTER 0 0 ..

PopupWindow in android


pw new PopupWindow inflater.inflate R.layout.popup_example null false 100 100 true pw.showAtLocation this.findViewById R.id.main Gravity.CENTER 0 0 My requirement is that I need a TEXTVIEW android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent..

getting null pointer exception?


@Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.id.main testGetContacts lv ListView findViewById R.id.listview ArrayAdapter String sa new ArrayAdapter String context android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1..

Awful background image quality in Android


Bitmap gradient BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.gradient options findViewById R.id.main .setBackgroundDrawable new BitmapDrawable gradient Comparison between different approaches these are all screenshots from..

Positing user current location and show it in Google maps


mapView MapView findViewById R.id.mapView create a map view LinearLayout linearLayout LinearLayout findViewById R.id.main mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls true Either satellite or 2d mapView.setSatellite true mapController mapView.getController..