

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:53

android Programming Glossary: review.googlesource.com

Moving and vanishing lines of code; trouble with Eclipse's XML Editor


is finally fixed in ADT 21. The fix is now available in ADT 21 Preview 9 posted a few minutes ago here https android review.googlesource.com # c 44936 1 The reason you get weird visual artifacts is that if a file contains broken DOS line endings multiple carriage.. edits with the layout editor should keep the files consistently formatted. FYI the relevant fix is here https android review.googlesource.com # c 44936 Instructions for easily updating SDK Tools and the Eclipse ADT plugin are here http tools.android.com preview..

Android eclipse editor: Unable to edit properties


Android Bug? : String.substring(5).replace(?œâ€? ?œâ€? // empty string


because the original is buggy when CharSequence target is empty i.e. . Patched by Google Android https android review.googlesource.com 58393 public static String replacePatched final String string final CharSequence target final CharSequence replacement if.. because the original is buggy when CharSequence target is empty i.e. . Patched by Google Android https android review.googlesource.com 58393 public static String replacePatched final String string final CharSequence target final CharSequence replacement if..

Starting Activity from Fragment causes NullPointerException
