

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:57

android Programming Glossary: rl.addview

PorterduffXfermode: Clear a section of a bitmap


this rl.setBackgroundColor Color.rgb 0 0 255 rl.addView d Show the layout with the test view setContentView rl public..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


12 rl RelativeLayout findViewById R.id.rl rl.addView dv Button b Button findViewById R.id.button1 b.setText R.string.France..

Pinch Zoom and Pan


RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout findViewById R.id.layout rl.addView iv This works fine but when I add more Views the screen gets..

set the absolute position of a view in Android


30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params More examples Places two 30x40 ImageViews one yellow.. 30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params iv new ImageView this iv.setBackgroundColor Color.RED.. 30 40 params.leftMargin 80 params.topMargin 90 rl.addView iv params Places one 30x40 yellow ImageView at 50 60 and another..

Horizontal scrolling grid view


btn i j .setMinimumHeight 20 params1.setMargins 5 5 5 5 rl.addView btn i j params1 System.out.println 1 btn i j .getTop System.out.println..

Show my Layout while SurfaceView is loading Camera Preview


exception e.printStackTrace if rl null surfaceView null rl.addView surfaceView private void setContent setContentView R.layout.scan..

how can i select and kill multiple application


RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT rl.addView chckKill lp2 RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.. chckKill.getId lp.setMargins 25 0 0 0 rl.addView textName lp RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp1 new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams..

PorterduffXfermode: Clear a section of a bitmap


d.setLayoutParams rlp RelativeLayout rl new RelativeLayout this rl.setBackgroundColor Color.rgb 0 0 255 rl.addView d Show the layout with the test view setContentView rl public class Drawing extends View Paint pDraw null Bitmap bm null..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap Paint.Cap.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeWidth 12 rl RelativeLayout findViewById R.id.rl rl.addView dv Button b Button findViewById R.id.button1 b.setText R.string.France Button b1 Button findViewById R.id.button2 rl.setDrawingCacheEnabled..

Pinch Zoom and Pan


View iv inflater.inflate R.layout.motor_block null RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout findViewById R.id.layout rl.addView iv This works fine but when I add more Views the screen gets filled up with them so I need a way to extend the size by adding..

set the absolute position of a view in Android


this RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params More examples Places two 30x40 ImageViews one yellow one red at 50 60 and 80 90 respectively RelativeLayout rl.. Color.YELLOW params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 50 params.topMargin 60 rl.addView iv params iv new ImageView this iv.setBackgroundColor Color.RED params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin.. iv.setBackgroundColor Color.RED params new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams 30 40 params.leftMargin 80 params.topMargin 90 rl.addView iv params Places one 30x40 yellow ImageView at 50 60 and another 30x40 red ImageView 80 90 relative to the yellow ImageView..

Horizontal scrolling grid view


R.drawable.icon btn i j .setMinimumWidth 20 btn i j .setMinimumHeight 20 params1.setMargins 5 5 5 5 rl.addView btn i j params1 System.out.println 1 btn i j .getTop System.out.println 2 btn i j .getLeft System.out.println 3 btn i..

Show my Layout while SurfaceView is loading Camera Preview


catch Exception e Log.d debug Another exception e.printStackTrace if rl null surfaceView null rl.addView surfaceView private void setContent setContentView R.layout.scan Post the Runnable with a Slight delay than your layout..

how can i select and kill multiple application


new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT rl.addView chckKill lp2 RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT.. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT lp.addRule RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF chckKill.getId lp.setMargins 25 0 0 0 rl.addView textName lp RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lp1 new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..