

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:03

android Programming Glossary: rounding

Emulator not running


image to tmp android padmakumar emulator IM8Usk emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now c810000 emulator nand_add_dev.. .android avd JellyBelly.avd userdata qemu.img emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now c918000 emulator registered..

Android emulator segmentation fault


image to tmp android grebulon emulator RSuUtb emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now c810000 emulator nand_add_dev.. .android avd nexus_s.avd userdata qemu.img emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now d116000 emulator registered..

Margins of a LinearLayout, programmatically with dp


How to draw rounded rectangle in Android UI?


Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()


not only gets greater than 1 and is no last minute rounding error but also seems to increase with size I was about to draw.. while measureText returns float value. So what you get is rounding error during conversion of float to int and this happens in..

What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals?


if you want to round up or down. In my sample code I am rounding up. Hope it helps. EDIT If you want to preserve the number of..

Emulator not running


16 armeabi v7a system.img emulator mapping 'system' NAND image to tmp android padmakumar emulator IM8Usk emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now c810000 emulator nand_add_dev userdata size 0xc900000 file home padmakumar .android avd.. nand_add_dev userdata size 0xc900000 file home padmakumar .android avd JellyBelly.avd userdata qemu.img emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now c918000 emulator registered 'boot properties' qemud service emulator Adding boot property..

Android emulator segmentation fault


17 images armeabi v7a system.img emulator mapping 'system' NAND image to tmp android grebulon emulator RSuUtb emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now c810000 emulator nand_add_dev userdata size 0xd100000 file home grebulon .android avd.. emulator nand_add_dev userdata size 0xd100000 file home grebulon .android avd nexus_s.avd userdata qemu.img emulator rounding devsize up to a full eraseunit now d116000 emulator registered 'boot properties' qemud service emulator Adding boot property..

Margins of a LinearLayout, programmatically with dp


How to draw rounded rectangle in Android UI?


Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds()


someText bounds.width The output shows that the difference not only gets greater than 1 and is no last minute rounding error but also seems to increase with size I was about to draw more conclusions but it may be entirely font dependent D.. lies in fact that getTextBounds returns bounds as integer while measureText returns float value. So what you get is rounding error during conversion of float to int and this happens in Paint.cpp in SkPaintGlue doTextBounds in call to function SkRect..

What's the best practice to round a float to 2 decimals?


return bd.floatValue You need to decide if you want to round up or down. In my sample code I am rounding up. Hope it helps. EDIT If you want to preserve the number of decimals when they are zero I guess it is just for displaying..