

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:23:04

android Programming Glossary: roundrectshape

Change progressbar color through CODE ONLY in Android


5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable pgDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorners null null Sets the progressBar color pgDrawable.getPaint..

Trying to draw a button: how to set a stroke color and how to “align” a gradient to the bottom without knowing the height?


5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable normal new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorner null null normal.getPaint .setShader shader normal.setPadding..

How to modify the default button state in Android without affecting the pressed and selected states?


ShapeDrawable pressedDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape 10 10 pressedDrawable.getPaint .setStyle Paint.FILL pressedDrawable.getPaint.. ShapeDrawable focusedDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape 10 10 focusedDrawable.getPaint .setStyle Paint.FILL focusedDrawable.getPaint.. ShapeDrawable defaultDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape 10 10 defaultDrawable.getPaint .setStyle Paint.FILL defaultDrawable.getPaint..

Android: Change Shape Color in runtime


R.dimen.footer_corners footerBackground.setShape new RoundRectShape radii null null int color Application activity.getApplication..

Android ImageView with Rounded Corners not working [duplicate]


Change progressbar color through CODE ONLY in Android


rounded corners final float roundedCorners new float 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable pgDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorners null null Sets the progressBar color pgDrawable.getPaint .setColor Color.parseColor color Adds the drawable..

Trying to draw a button: how to set a stroke color and how to “align” a gradient to the bottom without knowing the height?


null Shader.TileMode.MIRROR float roundedCorner new float 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ShapeDrawable normal new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape roundedCorner null null normal.getPaint .setShader shader normal.setPadding 7 3 7 5 Create a state list I suppressed settings..

How to modify the default button state in Android without affecting the pressed and selected states?


defStyle StateListDrawable mStateContainer new StateListDrawable ShapeDrawable pressedDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape 10 10 pressedDrawable.getPaint .setStyle Paint.FILL pressedDrawable.getPaint .setColor 0xEDEFF1 ShapeDrawable focusedDrawable.. .setStyle Paint.FILL pressedDrawable.getPaint .setColor 0xEDEFF1 ShapeDrawable focusedDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape 10 10 focusedDrawable.getPaint .setStyle Paint.FILL focusedDrawable.getPaint .setColor 0x5A8AC1 ShapeDrawable defaultDrawable.. .setStyle Paint.FILL focusedDrawable.getPaint .setColor 0x5A8AC1 ShapeDrawable defaultDrawable new ShapeDrawable new RoundRectShape 10 10 defaultDrawable.getPaint .setStyle Paint.FILL defaultDrawable.getPaint .setColor Color.GRAY mStateContainer.addState..

Android: Change Shape Color in runtime


radii 3 activity.getResources .getDimension R.dimen.footer_corners footerBackground.setShape new RoundRectShape radii null null int color Application activity.getApplication .getColor footerBackground.getPaint .setColor color views.setBackgroundDrawable..

Android ImageView with Rounded Corners not working [duplicate]
