

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:44

android Programming Glossary: telephony_service

How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x


setContentView R.layout.callanswerscreen grab an instance of telephony manager tm TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE connect to the underlying Android telephony system if USE_ITELEPHONY connectToTelephonyService turn our idle phone state..

How to get the mobile number of current sim card in real device?


this question You can use the TelephonyManager to do this TelephonyManager tm TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE String number tm.getLine1Number The documentation for getLine1Number says this method will return null if the number is..

Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls


or on hold super.onCallStateChanged state incomingNumber TelephonyManager mgr TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null mgr.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE Remember to unregister the listener when.. it's no longer needed using the PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE TelephonyManager mgr TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE if mgr null mgr.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE For more information read the documentation . Another..

Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How?


phoneStateListener new StateListener TelephonyManager telephonymanager TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE telephonymanager.listen phoneStateListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE catch Exception e class StateListener extends.. disconnect the call programmatically try TelephonyManager manager TelephonyManager context.getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE Class c Class.forName manager.getClass .getName Method m c.getDeclaredMethod getITelephony m.setAccessible true ITelephony..

How to know the moment when the called person picks up his phone [duplicate]


'pick up' the phone the state changes to CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK . TelephonyManager tm TelephonyManager getSystemService TELEPHONY_SERVICE tm.listen mPhoneListener PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE private PhoneStateListener mPhoneListener new PhoneStateListener..