

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:47

android Programming Glossary: tempindex

Voice Detection in Android Application


recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int tempIndex 0 int totalReadBytes 0 byte totalByteBuffer new byte 60 44100.. numberOfReadBytes 2 Analyze temp buffer. tempFloatBuffer tempIndex 3 totalAbsValue float temp 0.0f for int i 0 i 3 i temp tempFloatBuffer.. i if temp 0 temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 1 tempIndex continue if temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 2 recording..

Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs


recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int tempIndex 0 int totalReadBytes 0 byte totalByteBuffer new byte 60 44100.. numberOfReadBytes 2 Analyze temp buffer. tempFloatBuffer tempIndex 3 totalAbsValue float temp 0.0f for int i 0 i 3 i temp tempFloatBuffer.. i if temp 0 temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 1 tempIndex continue if temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 2 recording..

Voice Detection in Android Application


0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int tempIndex 0 int totalReadBytes 0 byte totalByteBuffer new byte 60 44100 2 While data come from microphone. while true float totalAbsValue.. i audioBuffer i 1 8 totalAbsValue Math.abs sample numberOfReadBytes 2 Analyze temp buffer. tempFloatBuffer tempIndex 3 totalAbsValue float temp 0.0f for int i 0 i 3 i temp tempFloatBuffer i if temp 0 temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG.. float temp 0.0f for int i 0 i 3 i temp tempFloatBuffer i if temp 0 temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 1 tempIndex continue if temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 2 recording true if temp 0 temp 350 recording true Log.i TAG Save audio..

Android: Listener to record sound if any sound occurs


0 byte audioBuffer new byte bufferSizeInBytes boolean recording false float tempFloatBuffer new float 3 int tempIndex 0 int totalReadBytes 0 byte totalByteBuffer new byte 60 44100 2 While data come from microphone. while true float totalAbsValue.. i audioBuffer i 1 8 totalAbsValue Math.abs sample numberOfReadBytes 2 Analyze temp buffer. tempFloatBuffer tempIndex 3 totalAbsValue float temp 0.0f for int i 0 i 3 i temp tempFloatBuffer i if temp 0 temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 1.. float temp 0.0f for int i 0 i 3 i temp tempFloatBuffer i if temp 0 temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 1 tempIndex continue if temp 350 recording false Log.i TAG 2 recording true if temp 0 temp 350 recording true Log.i TAG Save audio..