

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:55

android Programming Glossary: text.charat

Android: Autocomplete TextView Similar To The Facebook App


CharSequence text int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' i if i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' return text else if text.. int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' i if i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' return text else if text instanceof Spanned SpannableString.. CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor while i 0 text.charAt i 1 '@' i Check if token really started with @ else we don't..

AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader


CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor while i 0 text.charAt i 1 delimiter i while i cursor text.charAt i delimiter i.. while i 0 text.charAt i 1 delimiter i while i cursor text.charAt i delimiter i return i public int findTokenEnd CharSequence.. cursor int i cursor int len text.length while i len if text.charAt i delimiter return i else i return len public CharSequence..

new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component


int end int length text.length while start length start 0 text.charAt start ' ' start while end length text.charAt end ' ' end return.. start 0 text.charAt start ' ' start while end length text.charAt end ' ' end return new int start end private int getOffset MotionEvent..

Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer


sectionIndex .toString mDrawOverlay text.length 1 text.charAt 0 ' ' sectionIndex sections.length else mDrawOverlay false..

EditText not updated after text changed in the TextWatcher


Editable text int p 0 while p text.length if text.charAt p ' ' text.delete p p 1 else p The problem I have is what..

Android: Autocomplete TextView Similar To The Facebook App


new Tokenizer @Override public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence text int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' i if i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' return text else if text instanceof Spanned SpannableString sp new SpannableString.. public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence text int i text.length while i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' i if i 0 text.charAt i 1 ' ' return text else if text instanceof Spanned SpannableString sp new SpannableString text TextUtils.copySpansFrom.. 0 return sp else return text @Override public int findTokenStart CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor while i 0 text.charAt i 1 '@' i Check if token really started with @ else we don't have a valid token if i 1 text.charAt i 1 '@' return cursor..

AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader


SpaceTokenizer implements Tokenizer public int findTokenStart CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor while i 0 text.charAt i 1 delimiter i while i cursor text.charAt i delimiter i return i public int findTokenEnd CharSequence text int cursor.. int findTokenStart CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor while i 0 text.charAt i 1 delimiter i while i cursor text.charAt i delimiter i return i public int findTokenEnd CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor int len text.length while.. i return i public int findTokenEnd CharSequence text int cursor int i cursor int len text.length while i len if text.charAt i delimiter return i else i return len public CharSequence terminateToken CharSequence text Log.d DEBUG_TAG terminateToken..

new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component


setText sb private int curectStartEnd String text int start int end int length text.length while start length start 0 text.charAt start ' ' start while end length text.charAt end ' ' end return new int start end private int getOffset MotionEvent event.. text int start int end int length text.length while start length start 0 text.charAt start ' ' start while end length text.charAt end ' ' end return new int start end private int getOffset MotionEvent event Layout layout getLayout if layout null return..

Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer


1 if sectionIndex 0 String text mSectionText sections sectionIndex .toString mDrawOverlay text.length 1 text.charAt 0 ' ' sectionIndex sections.length else mDrawOverlay false private void cancelFling Cancel the list fling MotionEvent..

EditText not updated after text changed in the TextWatcher


3 if text.length 7 text.insert 7 private void removeSeparators Editable text int p 0 while p text.length if text.charAt p ' ' text.delete p p 1 else p The problem I have is what is displayed on my EditText isn't in sync with the Editable...