

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:01

android Programming Glossary: texton

Override home and back button is case a boolean is true


camera app not working?


fill_parent android textOff Start Recording android textOn Stop Recording android layout_height wrap_content FrameLayout..

Toggle button using two image on different state


check check.xml android layout_margin 10dp android textOn android textOff android focusable false android focusableInTouchMode..

Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML


layout_width 30px android layout_height 30px android textOn android textOff android layout_alignParentLeft true android.. The text for the button when it is not checked. android textOn The text for the button when it is checked. There does not seem..

Rotate MapView in Android


onClick onClick android textOff compass off android textOn compass on RelativeLayout The MapActivity Example activity on..

Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons?


android layout_weight 1 android textSize 14sp android textOn Letter android textOff Letter android onClick onToggle android.. android layout_weight 1 android textSize 14sp android textOn A4 android textOff A4 android onClick onToggle RadioGroup..

Android Set ImageButton as Toggle


doing this. res layout foo.xml ... ToggleButton android textOn android textOff android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height..

Setting image source for ToggleButton


In Styles.xml style name myToggle item name android textOn item item name android textOff item item name android disabledAlpha.. @android drawable btn_toggle_bg item item name android textOn @android string capital_on item item name android textOff @android..

Override home and back button is case a boolean is true


camera app not working?


android id @ id toggleRecordingButton android layout_width fill_parent android textOff Start Recording android textOn Stop Recording android layout_height wrap_content FrameLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent..

Toggle button using two image on different state


android layout_height wrap_content android background @drawable check check.xml android layout_margin 10dp android textOn android textOff android focusable false android focusableInTouchMode false android layout_centerVertical true create check.xml..

Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML


ToggleButton android id @ id FollowAndCenterButton android layout_width 30px android layout_height 30px android textOn android textOff android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_marginLeft 5px android layout_marginTop 5px android background.. alpha to apply to the indicator when disabled. android textOff The text for the button when it is not checked. android textOn The text for the button when it is checked. There does not seem to be the android state_checked attribute despite the class..

Rotate MapView in Android


true android layout_centerHorizontal true android onClick onClick android textOff compass off android textOn compass on RelativeLayout The MapActivity Example activity on how to display a google map view rotation with compass To..

Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons?


layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android layout_weight 1 android textSize 14sp android textOn Letter android textOff Letter android onClick onToggle android checked true ToggleButton android id @ id btn_A4 android.. layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android layout_weight 1 android textSize 14sp android textOn A4 android textOff A4 android onClick onToggle RadioGroup In your Activity or some place else you can define a listener..

Android Set ImageButton as Toggle


below. But remember be cautious about UI consistency before doing this. res layout foo.xml ... ToggleButton android textOn android textOff android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android background @drawable shuffle_button..

Setting image source for ToggleButton


wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content ToggleButton In Styles.xml style name myToggle item name android textOn item item name android textOff item item name android disabledAlpha android attr disabledAlpha item item name android background.. style name Widget.Button.Toggle item name android background @android drawable btn_toggle_bg item item name android textOn @android string capital_on item item name android textOff @android string capital_off item item name android disabledAlpha..