

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:28

android Programming Glossary: thumbnails

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?


Is it possible to display video thumbnails I created a video recording application with library dialog... know whether it is possible to replace icons with video thumbnails single frame preview Thanks android share improve this question..

AsyncTask, RejectedExecutionException and Task Limit


and Task Limit I am fetching lots of thumbnails from a remote server and displaying them in a grid view using.. using AsyncTask. The problem is my grid view displays 20 thumbnails at a time so that creates 20 AsyncTasks and starts 20 executes..

How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images?


I'm trying to provide an in app Activity which displays thumbnails of photos in the device's media store and allow the user to.. by iPhoto . The orphaned entries may or may not have thumbnails depending upon whether thumbnails where generated before the.. may or may not have thumbnails depending upon whether thumbnails where generated before the actual media file when AWOL. The..

How to crop the parsed image in android?


website and want to resize rather than crop I.e. create thumbnails. If so you can use the following load the origial BitMap 500..

Get list of photo galleries on Android


as well The contents of the gallery I can then load thumbnails and full size as needed How would I go about getting a list..

How to get thumbnail for video in my /sdcard/Android/data/mypackage/files folder?


only video in sdcard DCIM 100MEDIA But I want to get thumbnails for video in my sdcard Android data mypackage files folder... b while c.moveToNext c.close android video thumbnails share improve this question If you are on android 8 Froyo..

Android: Get thumbnail of image on SD card, given Uri of original image


up the whole screen. Anyone know how android image uri thumbnails share improve this question Try Android how to create runtime..

Force scan files after taking photo


intent TAKE_PICTURE I'd like to look through all my photos thumbnails but there is no my last photo thumbnail. It works perfectly..

Get thumbnail Uri/path of the image stored in sd card + android


like this question . I am specifically looking for the thumbnails which are generated by android OS itself. 2 Using SDK version.. 1.6 so not interested in ThumbnailUtils class. android thumbnails share improve this question You can use this to get the.. BitmapFactory.Options null There are two types of thumbnails available MINI_KIND 512 x 384 thumbnail MICRO_KIND 96 x 96 thumbnail..

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?


Is it possible to display video thumbnails I created a video recording application with library dialog. The library dialog displays the list of recorded videos where.. tags and location information the following way Does anyone know whether it is possible to replace icons with video thumbnails single frame preview Thanks android share improve this question If you are using API 2.0 or newer this will work. int..

AsyncTask, RejectedExecutionException and Task Limit


RejectedExecutionException and Task Limit I am fetching lots of thumbnails from a remote server and displaying them in a grid view using AsyncTask. The problem is my grid view displays 20 thumbnails.. from a remote server and displaying them in a grid view using AsyncTask. The problem is my grid view displays 20 thumbnails at a time so that creates 20 AsyncTasks and starts 20 executes one per thumbnail. I get RejectedExecution exception in my..

How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images?


Android MediaStore Content Provider avoiding orphaned images I'm trying to provide an in app Activity which displays thumbnails of photos in the device's media store and allow the user to select one. After the user makes a selection the application.. of my phone the images had been imported and subsequently erased by iPhoto . The orphaned entries may or may not have thumbnails depending upon whether thumbnails where generated before the actual media file when AWOL. The end result is that the app.. and subsequently erased by iPhoto . The orphaned entries may or may not have thumbnails depending upon whether thumbnails where generated before the actual media file when AWOL. The end result is that the app displays thumbnails for images that..

How to crop the parsed image in android?


I assume you've already got the images down from the website and want to resize rather than crop I.e. create thumbnails. If so you can use the following load the origial BitMap 500 x 500 px Bitmap bitmapOrg BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources..

Get list of photo galleries on Android


of the existing photo gallery names hopefully their top thumbnail as well The contents of the gallery I can then load thumbnails and full size as needed How would I go about getting a list of the Galleries don't know if that's the proper term in android..

How to get thumbnail for video in my /sdcard/Android/data/mypackage/files folder?


Query to MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI returns only video in sdcard DCIM 100MEDIA But I want to get thumbnails for video in my sdcard Android data mypackage files folder. Is it possible Here is part of my code ContentResolver cr getContentResolver.. ImageView iv ImageView findViewById R.id.img_thumbnail iv.setImageBitmap b while c.moveToNext c.close android video thumbnails share improve this question If you are on android 8 Froyo or above you can use ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail Bitmap..

Android: Get thumbnail of image on SD card, given Uri of original image


that image because obviously the image could be huge and take up the whole screen. Anyone know how android image uri thumbnails share improve this question Try Android how to create runtime thumbnail Android Resize a large bitmap file to scaled..

Force scan files after taking photo


photo imageUri Uri.fromFile photo startActivityForResult intent TAKE_PICTURE I'd like to look through all my photos thumbnails but there is no my last photo thumbnail. It works perfectly on android 2.1. If I connect device via USB to PC and then disconnect..

Get thumbnail Uri/path of the image stored in sd card + android


column_index PS 1 i am not looking to resize image like this question . I am specifically looking for the thumbnails which are generated by android OS itself. 2 Using SDK version 1.6 so not interested in ThumbnailUtils class. android thumbnails.. which are generated by android OS itself. 2 Using SDK version 1.6 so not interested in ThumbnailUtils class. android thumbnails share improve this question You can use this to get the thumbnail Bitmap bitmap MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.getThumbnail.. selectedImageUri MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND BitmapFactory.Options null There are two types of thumbnails available MINI_KIND 512 x 384 thumbnail MICRO_KIND 96 x 96 thumbnail OR use queryMiniThumbnail with almost same parameters..