

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:28

android Programming Glossary: tia

Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars


all of this worked perfectly prior to the update . TIA java android osx share improve this question If you have..

Diff between getExternalFilesDir and getExternalStorageDirectory()


point but for now just want to see if the folders exist TIA JB android share improve this question getExternalFilesDir..

What is the right way to communicate from a custom View to the Activity in which it resides?


I can't think of a way in which it might fail offhand . TIA android view spinner context adapter share improve this question..

Android selector & text color


How do I make it change to textAppearanceLargeInverse TIA. android selector share improve this question I got by..

Catching market search intents?


Is there a notion of untouchable intents or something TIA. android android intent share improve this question That..

How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk


API that allows this. How can I unpair a bluetooth device TIA Jack android bluetooth share improve this question Here's..

android: running a background task using AlarmManager


some kind of background code that fires a Notification TIA android notifications broadcastreceiver alarmmanager share..

What event is fired after all views are fully drawn?


the start of their work I need to know when they are done. TIA. android android layout share improve this question There..

Android WebView - 1st LoadData() works fine, subsequent calls do not update display


doesn't seem to be the problem. Any Ideas would be helpful TIA android loaddata share improve this question Use webview.loadDataWithBaseURL..

Clarification of AlarmManager behavior in Android


to get such an AlarmManager running in the first place. TIA android alarmmanager share improve this question Yes AFAIK..

what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android


are same. I want to know how this properties are different TIA android android layout layout share improve this question..

Setting image source for ToggleButton


are saved automatically for me. Any solution or workaround TIA. Hi It does not seem to help creating another style. The src..

Download to internal memory possible?


Any way of storing downloaded file onto internal memory TIA android share improve this question It is unlikely that..

Cutting a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency


how to transfer just the selected pixels to a new Bitmap. TIA android bitmap polygon shape share improve this question..

Android update 17 seems incompatible with external Jars


has to do with the Java update would be quite a coincidence all of this worked perfectly prior to the update . TIA java android osx share improve this question If you have problems with external jars then create one folder named libs..

Diff between getExternalFilesDir and getExternalStorageDirectory()


for a folder I will check for a files existence at another point but for now just want to see if the folders exist TIA JB android share improve this question getExternalFilesDir It returns the path to files folder inside Android data..

What is the right way to communicate from a custom View to the Activity in which it resides?


the context for some reason that doesn't feel safe even though I can't think of a way in which it might fail offhand . TIA android view spinner context adapter share improve this question the right way to do that is to listen to your custom..

Android selector & text color


the text color that expectedly doesn't change in focused state. How do I make it change to textAppearanceLargeInverse TIA. android selector share improve this question I got by doing several tests until one worked so res color button_dark_text.xml..

Catching market search intents?


or search with search1 in both places my activity gets launched. Is there a notion of untouchable intents or something TIA. android android intent share improve this question That is odd indeed and kinda goes against the whole open intent..

How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk


sample and I've searched the sdk but still can't find an API that allows this. How can I unpair a bluetooth device TIA Jack android bluetooth share improve this question Here's how you unpair remove a bonded device call this method where..

android: running a background task using AlarmManager


tutorial for this sort of thing repeating alarm which triggers some kind of background code that fires a Notification TIA android notifications broadcastreceiver alarmmanager share improve this question Here is one complete example http..

What event is fired after all views are fully drawn?


but I can't find it. onMeasure and onDraw seem to fire at the start of their work I need to know when they are done. TIA. android android layout share improve this question There is no such event. You can simply post a message Runnable..

Android WebView - 1st LoadData() works fine, subsequent calls do not update display


and since using .reload makes it work my LoadData statement doesn't seem to be the problem. Any Ideas would be helpful TIA android loaddata share improve this question Use webview.loadDataWithBaseURL same ur l tat does not work data text..

Clarification of AlarmManager behavior in Android


which just handles the uploading but I'm unclear on how to get such an AlarmManager running in the first place. TIA android alarmmanager share improve this question Yes AFAIK the alarms survive and keeps getting triggered even after..

what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android


match_parent and fill_parent of layout. It seems both are same. I want to know how this properties are different TIA android android layout layout share improve this question They're the same thing in API Level 8 . Use match_parent..

Setting image source for ToggleButton


src of ImageButton and the feature of toggling where states are saved automatically for me. Any solution or workaround TIA. Hi It does not seem to help creating another style. The src still appears much bigger that it's original 30px x 30px. In..

Download to internal memory possible?


it though the app allows us to write to mnt sdcard location. Any way of storing downloaded file onto internal memory TIA android share improve this question It is unlikely that DownloadManager will be able to do this. My assumption is that..

Cutting a multipoint ploygon out of Bitmap and placing it on transparency


worked out as a an array of points but now am stumped as to how to transfer just the selected pixels to a new Bitmap. TIA android bitmap polygon shape share improve this question Not sure how your code works but here's an idea on how to..