

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:34

android Programming Glossary: tmpout

Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat)


String socketType Log.d TAG create ConnectedThread socketType mmSocket socket InputStream tmpIn null OutputStream tmpOut null Get the BluetoothSocket input and output streams try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream .. null OutputStream tmpOut null Get the BluetoothSocket input and output streams try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e TAG temp sockets not created e mmInStream tmpIn mmOutStream tmpOut .. tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e TAG temp sockets not created e mmInStream tmpIn mmOutStream tmpOut public void run Log.i TAG BEGIN mConnectedThread final byte buffer new byte 1024 int bytes Keep listening to the InputStream..

How to move Bluetooth activity into a Service


mmOutStream public ConnectedThread BluetoothSocket socket mmSocket socket InputStream tmpIn null OutputStream tmpOut null try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e Printer Service temp sockets.. socket mmSocket socket InputStream tmpIn null OutputStream tmpOut null try tmpIn socket.getInputStream tmpOut socket.getOutputStream catch IOException e Log.e Printer Service temp sockets not created e mmInStream tmpIn mmOutStream.. catch IOException e Log.e Printer Service temp sockets not created e mmInStream tmpIn mmOutStream tmpOut @Override public void run while true try if encodeData mmInStream mState STATE_NONE connectionLost break else mHandler.obtainMessage..