

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:27:29

android Programming Glossary: wasscreenon

Override Power button just like Home button


extends BroadcastReceiver public static boolean wasScreenOn true @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent.. Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON.. and do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn true DisableHardButton.java public class DisableHardButton..

Listening for ACTION_SCREEN_OFF on Android


extends BroadcastReceiver public static boolean wasScreenOn true @Override public void onReceive final Context context final.. Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON.. and do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn true The Activity public class ExampleActivity extends Activity..

How to unlock screen programmatically?


extends BroadcastReceiver public static boolean wasScreenOn true @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent.. WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO HERE System.out.println SCREEN_OFF wasScreenOn wasScreenOn false Intent i new Intent context UpdateService.class.. NEED TO DO HERE System.out.println SCREEN_OFF wasScreenOn wasScreenOn false Intent i new Intent context UpdateService.class i.putExtra..

Override Power button just like Home button


of Screen on off ReceiverScreen.java public class ReceiverScreen extends BroadcastReceiver public static boolean wasScreenOn true @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF.. Context context Intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON and do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn true DisableHardButton.java.. here wasScreenOn false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON and do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn true DisableHardButton.java public class DisableHardButton extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..

Listening for ACTION_SCREEN_OFF on Android


Here's an example. The BroadcastReceiver public class ScreenReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver public static boolean wasScreenOn true @Override public void onReceive final Context context final Intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF.. context final Intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON and do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn true The.. here wasScreenOn false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON and do whatever you need to do here wasScreenOn true The Activity public class ExampleActivity extends Activity @Override protected void onCreate initialize receiver..

How to unlock screen programmatically?


screen on. The broadcast receiver is... public class ScreenReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver public static boolean wasScreenOn true @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent System.out.println Entered Broadcaste Reciever if intent.getAction.. if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO HERE System.out.println SCREEN_OFF wasScreenOn wasScreenOn false Intent i new Intent context UpdateService.class i.putExtra screen_state wasScreenOn context.startService.. .equals Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO HERE System.out.println SCREEN_OFF wasScreenOn wasScreenOn false Intent i new Intent context UpdateService.class i.putExtra screen_state wasScreenOn context.startService i System.out.println..