

c# Programming Glossary: imagelockmode.readwrite

Byte Array to Bitmap Image


System.Drawing.Rectangle 0 0 bitmap.Width bitmap.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite bitmap.PixelFormat IntPtr pNative bmData.Scan0 Marshal.Copy..

Fast work with Bitmaps in C#


b.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 _image.Width _image.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite b.PixelFormat byte bitsPerPixel GetBitsPerPixel bData.PixelFormat.. b.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 _image.Width _image.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite b.PixelFormat GetBitsPerPixel just does a switch on the PixelFormat..

any can explain the function of stride in bitmapdata?


bit1.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bit1.Width bit1.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb BitmapData data2 bit2.LockBits new.. bit2.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bit2.Width bit2.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb BitmapData data3 bmpresult.LockBits.. new Rectangle 0 0 bmpresult.Width bmpresult.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb unsafe int remain1 data1.Stride..

Adjust the contrast of an image in C# efficiently


new Rectangle 0 0 NewBitmap.Width NewBitmap.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite NewBitmap.PixelFormat int Height NewBitmap.Height int Width..