

c# Programming Glossary: imagelockmode.writeonly

Convert Kinect ColorFrame to Bitmap


bmap.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 Image.Width Image.Height ImageLockMode.WriteOnly bmap.PixelFormat IntPtr ptr bmapdata.Scan0 Marshal.Copy pixeldata..

Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application


bitmap.LockBits new Rectangle new Point 0 0 bitmap.Size ImageLockMode.WriteOnly bitmap.PixelFormat IntPtr ptr bitmapData.Scan0 int bufferSize..

Drawing image with additive blending


bmpC.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bmpA.Width bmpA.Height ImageLockMode.WriteOnly bmpA.PixelFormat void pBmpA bmpDataA.Scan0.ToPointer void pBmpB..

Is there a good way to convert between BitmapSource and Bitmap?


data bmp.LockBits new Rectangle Point.Empty bmp.Size ImageLockMode.WriteOnly PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb source.CopyPixels Int32Rect.Empty..

File.Delete failing when Image.FromFile was called prior it, despite making copy of loaded image and destroying original one


new Rectangle 0 0 sourceImage.Width sourceImage.Height ImageLockMode.WriteOnly targetImage.PixelFormat CopyMemory targetData.Scan0 sourceData.Scan0..

LockBits image rotation method not working?


new Rectangle 0 0 rotatedBitmap.Width rotatedBitmap.Height ImageLockMode.WriteOnly rotatedBitmap.PixelFormat unsafe byte A new byte originalData.Height..

Create Bitmap from a byte array of pixel data


0 Width Height BitmapData bmpData b.LockBits BoundsRect ImageLockMode.WriteOnly b.PixelFormat IntPtr ptr bmpData.Scan0 int bytes bmpData.Stride..

cropping an area from BitmapData with C#


croppedBitmap.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 width height ImageLockMode.WriteOnly PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb Marshal.Copy croppedBytes 0 croppedData.Scan0.. croppedBitmap.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 width height ImageLockMode.WriteOnly PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb Marshal.Copy croppedBytes 0 croppedData.Scan0..