

c# Programming Glossary: allowmultiple

IQueryable extension method for linq2entities


expression. summary AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Method AllowMultiple false Inherited false class ExpandableQueryMethodAttribute Attribute..

Can I use extension methods and Linq in .NET 2.0 or 3.0?


AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Method AllowMultiple false Inherited false public class ExtensionAttribute Attribute..

Bit fields in C#


global System.AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false sealed class BitfieldLengthAttribute Attribute uint length..

AutoMapper: Mapping between a IDataReader and DTO object


AttributeTargets.Property Inherited true AllowMultiple false public sealed class DataFieldMappingAttribute Attribute..

How do I get the member to which my custom attribute was applied?


AttributeTargets.Method AttributeTargets.Property AllowMultiple true public class MyCustomAttribute Attribute Update okay I..

How to get a list of properties with a given attribute?


the attribute MyAttribute . The attribute is marked with AllowMultiple false like this AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Property AllowMultiple.. false like this AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Property AllowMultiple false Currently what I have is this but I'm thinking there is..

Is the DataTypeAttribute validation working in MVC2?


AttributeTargets.Field AttributeTargets.Property AllowMultiple false public class EmailAddressAttribute DataTypeAttribute private..

How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2?


AttributeTargets.Method Inherited true AllowMultiple false public class MyAuthorizationAttribute AuthorizeAttribute..

Get the Enum<T> value Description


AttributeTargets.Enum AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false public sealed class EnumDescriptionAttribute Attribute..

Recursively Get Properties & Child Properties Of An Object


AttributeTargets.Struct Inherited true AllowMultiple true public sealed class ExtractNameAttribute Attribute share..

Clientside Validation in “Self Validate Model” in ASP.NET-MVC3


AttributeTargets.Field AttributeTargets.Property AllowMultiple false Inherited true public sealed class ValidatePasswordLengthAttribute..

Using Extension Methods with .NET Framework 2.0


AttributeUsage AttributeTargets.Method AllowMultiple false Inherited false public class ExtensionAttribute Attribute..

C#: How to Implement and use a NotNull and CanBeNull attribute


AttributeTargets.Delegate AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false Inherited true NoCodeCoverage public sealed class NotNullAttribute.. AttributeTargets.Delegate AttributeTargets.Field AllowMultiple false Inherited true NoCodeCoverage public sealed class CanBeNullAttribute..

Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC


AttributeTargets.Method Inherited true AllowMultiple false public class MasterEventAuthorizationAttribute AuthorizeAttribute..