

c# Programming Glossary: allowpaging

allow sorting by column gridview


code only gridview asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server AllowPaging True AllowSorting True CellPadding 4 ForeColor #333333 GridLines..

Error: Invalid postback or callback argument


asp Label asp GridView ID NewCustomersGrid runat server AllowPaging True AutoGenerateColumns False BackColor White BorderColor #999999..

The data source does not support server-side data paging


paging. Markup asp GridView ID GridView1 runat server AllowPaging True AutoGenerateColumns False DataSourceID ObjectDataSource1..

GridView sorting: SortDirection always Ascending


this way asp GridView ID grdHeader AllowSorting true AllowPaging false AutoGenerateColumns false Width 780 runat server OnSorting..

Full postback triggered by LinkButton inside GridView inside UpdatePanel


ContentTemplate asp GridView ID OrderGrid runat server AllowPaging false AllowSorting false AutoGenerateColumns false Columns..

Count total rows of gridview with pagination


False CellPadding 4 ForeColor #333333 AllowPaging True onpageindexchanging appForVacGrid_PageIndexChanging GridLines..

How to find control in TemplateField of GridView?


is below asp GridView ID grvYourOpportunities runat server AllowPaging True AutoGenerateColumns False DataKeyNames ID# B H PageSize..