

c# Programming Glossary: ancestortype

WPF ListView Programmatically Select Item


Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType x Type ListViewItem Path IsSelected Image ToolTip Insert Custom..

Data Binding in WPF User Controls


C#/WPF: Toolkit DataGrid - Transpose rows and columns


Item.Titel RelativeSource RelativeSource Mode FindAncestor AncestorType x Type toolkit DataGridRow DataTemplate toolkit DataGrid.RowHeaderTemplate..

How to add a Blend Behavior in a Style Setter


Binding Text RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType x Type FrameworkElement i EventTrigger local Triggers Style..

How to set background of a datagrid cell during autogeneratingcolumn event depending on it's value?


colorConverter Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType DataGridCell Path Content.Text Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource.. Path Content.Text Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType DataGridCell Path IsSelected MultiBinding Border.Background..

WPF MVVM navigate views


RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType x Type MainViewModel Mode OneWay That's it Enjoy. share improve..

WPF: Reapply DataTemplateSelector when a certain value changes


ItemTemplateSelector Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType Window Path ListTemplateSelector Here is my ListTemplateSelector..

CommandParameters in ContextMenu in WPF


tried all the possible things such as RelativeSource and AncestorType etc but its always null. To me it looks like either a limitation.. Tag Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType x Type TreeView Label.ContextMenu ContextMenu MenuItem Header.. RelativeSource RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType x Type ContextMenu ContextMenu Label.ContextMenu Label This..

Change the Selected Color Listbox


HorizontalContentAlignment RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType x Type ItemsControl Setter Property VerticalContentAlignment.. VerticalContentAlignment RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType x Type ItemsControl Setter Property Padding Value 2 0 0 0 Setter..

Attach ICommand in WPF UserControl


Path local ImageButton.Image RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType x Type Button TextBlock Text Binding Path local ImageButton.Caption.. local ImageButton.Caption RelativeSource RelativeSource AncestorType x Type Button Margin 2 0 0 0 StackPanel DataTemplate Setter.Value..

Binding Visible property of a DataGridColumn in WPF DataGrid


RelativeSource RelativeSource Mode FindAncestor AncestorType Window Converter StaticResource vc I have checked that the converter..

How to hide wpf datagrid columns depending on a property


RelativeSource RelativeSource Findancestor AncestorType x Type Window Converter StaticResource BoolToVis DataGrid.Columns.. for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType 'System.Windows.Window' AncestorLevel '1''. BindingExpression..