

c# Programming Glossary: anon

What's the point of the var keyword?


keyword at all Update Yes var supports Anonymous types but anonymous types by themselves do not necessitate the var keyword..... by themselves do not necessitate the var keyword... var anon new Name Terry Age 34 versus anon new Name Terry Age 34 c#.. the var keyword... var anon new Name Terry Age 34 versus anon new Name Terry Age 34 c# variables boo share improve this..

Breaking out of a nested loop


is right to take advantage of the newer features in .NET anon methods to do something which is pretty fundamental. Because.. spell full username has a nice solution. Marc Nice use of anon methods and this too is great but because I could be in a job.. job where we don't use a version of .NET C# that supports anon methods I need to know a traditional approach too. c# for loop..

How do I create a delegate for a .NET property?


prop name at compile time you can in C# at least use an anon method lambda Test t delegate return e.PropertyName C# 2.0 Test..