

c# Programming Glossary: apos

Special Character in XPATH Query


This query works as long as SomeValue does not have an apostrophe ' . I use C#. Tried using escape sequence also. Didn't.. is to say string literals in XPath expressions can contain apostrophes or double quotes but not both. You can't use escaping.. use escaping to get around this. A literal like this 'Some apos Value' will match this XML text Some amp apos Value This does..

parsing XML with ampersand


amp .Replace lt .Replace gt .Replace quot .Replace ' apos XElement myXML XElement.Parse encodedXml t or Even tried it..

Encoding XPath Expressions with both single and double quotes


' ' '' EDIT A few answers have suggested escaping ' with &apos and with but although this makes sense it does not work try.. review name Bob's Pizza and the xpath review @name 'Bob apos s Pizza' c# xml xpath xpath 1.0 share improve this question..