

c# Programming Glossary: appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory

How to reload an assembly for a .NET Application Domain?


subDomain AppDomain.CreateDomain DomainName null AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory false myType myAssembly.GetType assemblyName .mycli myObject..

C#/.NET: Is there a way to force all referenced assemblies to be loaded into the app domain?


a.Location .ToArray var referencedPaths Directory.GetFiles AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory .dll var toLoad referencedPaths.Where r loadedPaths.Contains..

Reference a GNU C (POSIX) DLL built in GCC against Cygwin, from C#/NET


hello static void Main string args var path Path.Combine AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory helloworld.dll IntPtr pDll LoadLibrary path IntPtr pAddressOfFunctionToCall..

How to pre-load all deployed assemblies for an AppDomain


private static IEnumerable string GetBinFolders TODO The AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory usage is not correct in some cases. Need to consider PrivateBinPath.. this is where the PBP would be handled. toReturn.Add AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory return toReturn private static void PreLoadDeployedAssemblies..

Install certificates in to the Windows Local user certificate store in C#


new X509Store StoreName.My string baseDir AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory string certPath Path.Combine baseDir certificateFolder string..

SQL Express Connection string - Relative to application location


DataDirectory System.IO.Path.Combine AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory Databases rest of initialize implementation ... share improve..

What is the best way to determine application root directory?


there better ways c# .net share improve this question AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory is my go to way of doing so. However Application.StartupPath..

In .NET 4.0, how do I 'sandbox' an in-memory assembly and execute a method?


var setup new AppDomainSetup ApplicationBase Path.Combine AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory BaseDirectory ApplicationName DomainName DisallowBindingRedirects..

Best way to get application folder path


System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly .Location AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory Environment.CurrentDirectory.. THanks. c# .net share improve this question AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory is probably the most useful for accessing files whose location..

How to Load assembly to AppDomain with all references recursively?


So when I do string dir @ SomePath different from AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory string path System.IO.Path.Combine dir MyDll.dll AppDomainSetup..

Why won't my windows service write to my log file?


How do I find out what directory my console app is running in with C#?


question To get the directory where the .exe file is AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory To get the current directory Environment.CurrentDirectory ..