

c# Programming Glossary: appdomain.currentdomain

Change Connection String After Creating Setup File in C#.NET


code. appdomain setup information AppDomain currentDomain AppDomain.CurrentDomain Create or update a value pair for the appdomain currentDomain.SetData..

Loading assemblies and its dependencies


AppDomain's AssemblyResolve event. AppDomain currentDomain AppDomain.CurrentDomain currentDomain.AssemblyResolve new ResolveEventHandler MyResolveEventHandler..

.NET Global exception handler in console application


services one can define as below AppDomain currentDomain AppDomain.CurrentDomain currentDomain.UnhandledException new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler.. using System class Program static void Main string args AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException UnhandledExceptionTrapper throw new Exception..

Finding all classes with a particular attribute


to look in and or the class names . I was looking at AppDomain.CurrentDomain but I'm not overly familiar with it and not sure how elivated.. a .NET 3.5 library so LINQ is completely valid . So is AppDomain.CurrentDomain my best only option and then just looping through all the assemblies.. where TAttribute System.Attribute return from a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies from t in a.GetTypes where t.IsDefined typeof..

Dynamic enum in C#


domain for the current thread AppDomain currentDomain AppDomain.CurrentDomain Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain..

Assembly loaded using Assembly.LoadFrom() on remote machine causes SecurityException


String static void Main string args AppDomain current AppDomain.CurrentDomain current.AssemblyResolve new ResolveEventHandler HandleAssemblyResolve..