

c# Programming Glossary: apartmentstate.sta

Use a proxy with webBrowser control C#/.net 3.5


View Generated Source (After AJAX/JavaScript) in C#


new ThreadStart WebBrowserThread t.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA t.Start t.Join return GeneratedSource private void WebBrowserThread..

Insert bytes into middle of a file (in windows filesystem) without reading entire file (using File Allocation Table)?


strHTML dumpWin.ShowDialog shower.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA shower.Start return strHTML public static string Dump this object..

Perform screen-scape of Webbrowser control in thread


url Application.Run browserThread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA browserThread.Start private Image TakeSnapShot WebBrowser browser.. url Application.Run thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.Start return tcs.Task private static Bitmap TakeSnapshot..

How to receive the Windows messages without a windows form


void Start Thread t new Thread runForm t.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA t.IsBackground true t.Start public static void Stop if mInstance..

How to run something in the STA thread?


new Thread MethodWhichRequiresSTA thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA Set the thread to STA thread.Start thread.Join Wait for the.. new Thread ProcessInkPresenter thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.Start thread.Join private void ProcessInkPresenter var..

Convert webpage to image from ASP.NET


m_thread new Thread _Generate m_thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA m_thread.Start m_thread.Join return m_Bitmap private void _Generate..

How to create an XPS document?


on a MTA thread throws exceptions t.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA adjust as needed t.Priority ThreadPriority.AboveNormal t.IsBackground..

Print html document from Windows Service in C# without print dialog


t thread.IsBackground true thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA return thread .ToList Start all of the threads _threads.ForEach.. is STA return Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA TryExecuteTask task summary Gets the maximum concurrency level..

The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this in WPF


new ThreadStart DisplayFormThread thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.Start thread.Join private void DisplayFormThread try..

WebBrowser Control in a new thread


br.Navigate url Application.Run th.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA th.Start void browser_DocumentCompleted object sender WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs..

Spawn a new thread to open a new window and close it from a different thread


new Thread ApplicationRunProc thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.IsBackground isBackground thread.Start form Here is.. Thread thread new Thread Main2 thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.Start form return form public SecondUIThreadForm Text..

C# winforms startup (Splash) form not hiding


thread.IsBackground true thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.Start static private void ShowForm splashForm new SplashForm..

Clipboard.GetText returns null (empty string)


Exception ex threadEx ex staThread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA staThread.Start staThread.Join at this point either you have..

How to create a task (TPL) running a STA thread?


new Thread MethodWhichRequiresSTA thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA How to accomplish the same using Tasks in a WPF application..

extract image from word file


CopyFromClipbordInlineShape thread.SetApartmentState ApartmentState.STA thread.Start thread.Join finally object save false m_word.Quit..