

c# Programming Glossary: apphost

Is ResponseStatus needed in ServiceStack?


of your services exception if you enable it in your AppHost with SetConfig new EndpointHostConfig DebugMode true What does..

Unit Test HTTPRequest Headers with ServiceStack


test like this TestFixture public class PlayerServiceTests AppHost appHost TestFixtureSetUp public void TestFixtureSetUp appHost.. TestFixtureSetUp public void TestFixtureSetUp appHost new AppHost appHost.Init appHost.Start http localhost 1337 TestFixtureTearDown.. Otherwise if you want to do an unit test you don't need an AppHost and can just test the PlayerService class just like any other..

Recommended ServiceStack API Structure


permits. Physical Project Structure Ideally the root level AppHost project should be kept lightweight and implementation free... EventMan.ServiceModel project references none EventMan AppHost.cs ServiceStack ASP.NET Web or Console Host Project EventMan.ServiceInterface..

ServiceStack Request DTO design


as you can wire them all with a single line in your AppHost e.g container.RegisterValidators typeof CreateBookingValidator..

servicestack REST API and CORS


This is how to globally enable Cross Origin Sharing in you AppHost config public override void Configure Container container Permit..