

c# Programming Glossary: applying

CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed


k1 bits with 0 and k0 bits with a random number. Then by applying some transformation to the message you obtain the padded message..

OR-ing bytes in C# gives int [duplicate]


of the operation. Binary numeric promotion consists of applying the following rules in the order they appear here If either..

Formatting doubles for output in C#


round a double to 15 significant decimal digits before applying your formatting regardless of the precision requested by your..

What are regular expression Balancing Groups?


name is encountered a capture is pushed onto its stack. So applying this regex to the input foo bar and inspecting m.Groups word..

Can I specify my explicit type comparator inline?


summary Compares the two specified values for equality by applying the projection to each value and then using the equality comparer..

Programmatically Set Browser Proxy Settings in C#


and then open a new browser window. At the moment I'm applying the proxy settings by going into the registry RegistryKey registry..

How do I prevent and/or handle a StackOverflowException?


xsl for infinite recursion and notifies the user prior to applying a transform Ugh . Load the XslTransform code into a separate..

Custom Collection Initializers


list of the element initializer as argument list applying normal overload resolution for each invocation. Thus the collection..

How to Zip one IEnumerable with itself


2 ... points n 1 and points n or is it n 2 and n 1 ... and applying a function. My generic iterator would have a similar signature..

? (nullable) operator in C#


nullable operator in C# What is changed by applying nullable Operator on value type datatype that now it can store..

C# Field Naming Guidelines?


between static and nonstatic fields. For example applying a g_ or s_ prefix is incorrect. and from General Naming Conventions..

Overload resolution and virtual methods


the argument list AL AL B . The set reduction consists of applying the following rules to each method T.N in the set where T T..

LINQ Ring: Any() vs Contains() for Huge Collections


extension method and will simply go through the collection applying the delegate on every object. It therefore has a complexity..

DataContract XML serialization and XML attributes


but you will have to override the default serializer by applying the XmlSerializerFormat attribute to the DataContract. Although..

How can I get elevated permissions (UAC) via impersonation under a non-interactive login?


used in web applications and they consistently bomb when applying config updates access denied opening the subkey . So I changed..

Why can't I have protected interface members?


this public interface IOrange IOrangeSupport ... Thereby applying IOrangeSupport to all classes which implement IOrange and requiring..

Proper Linq where clauses


each item in the collection where as in the first one it's applying the first predicate to all items first and the result which..

MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call


did find a post here http xhalent.wordpress.com 2011 01 24 applying unobtrusive validation to dynamic content that mentioned that..

Operator Overloading with Interface-Based Programming in C#


can definitively know the types of the objects it's applying an operator to it won't compile. Since the compiler cannot be..

Why is this cast not possible?


same conversion rules §13 as do non generic types. When applying these rules the base classes and interfaces of constructed types..

web.config transform from web.template.xml not working


94 Transforming Source File Web.template.xml TaskId 94 Applying Transform File Web.template.Test.xml TaskId 94 Executing Replace.. 5 18 TaskId 94 on configuration TestSettings TaskId 94 Applying to 'TestSettings' element source line 121 4 TaskId 94 Replaced..

C# - Windows ACL - Applying Inherited Permissions


Windows ACL Applying Inherited Permissions I've been having problems programatically..

WPF MultiBinding Fails. Why?


SolidColorBrush GroupBox.BorderBrush GroupBox Applying the attached dependency property PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel..

Parallel.For(): Update variable outside of loop


Patterns for Parallel Programming Understanding and Applying Parallel Patterns with the .NET Framework 4 Stephen Toub share..

Repository pattern tutorial in C# [closed]


share improve this question A good place is the book Applying Domain Driven Design and Patterns by Jimmy Nilsson My blog post..

Applying AOP


AOP I've been using some basic AOP style solutions for cross..

Attributes in C#


that are understood by a specific set of assemblies. Applying Attributes in C# The .NET base class library provides a number..

How to inject an attribute using a PostSharp attribute?


Providers e28093 Part 1.aspx Here is a working example. Applying this aspect to a class will apply the XmlIgnore attribute to.. using System.Xml.Serialization namespace ApplyingAttributes MulticastAttributeUsage MulticastTargets.Field MulticastTargets.Property..

Applying % number format to a cell value using OpenXMl


number format to a cell value using OpenXMl I want to apply..