

c# Programming Glossary: appname

Creating Virtual directory in IIS with c#


summary param name webSite The web site. param param name appName Name of the app. param param name path The path. param returns.. static bool CreateVirtualDirectory string webSite string appName string path var schema new DirectoryEntry IIS webSite Schema.. admin.Children.Cast DirectoryEntry .Where v v.Name appName foreach DirectoryEntry vd in matchingEntries admin.Invoke..

c# calculate CPU usage for a specific application


... etc. ... new PerformanceCounter Process ID Process appName true Once the PC's value equals the PID you found the right.. Once the PC's value equals the PID you found the right appName . You can then use that appName for the other counters. share..

C# webbrowser Ajax call


void SetBrowserFeatureControlKey string feature string appName uint value using var key Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey String.Concat.. RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree key.SetValue appName UInt32 value RegistryValueKind.DWord For example private void..

C# WebBrowser Control - Form Submit Not Working using InvokeMember(“Click”)


void SetBrowserFeatureControlKey string feature string appName uint value using var key Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey.. RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree key.SetValue appName UInt32 value RegistryValueKind.DWord UInt32 GetBrowserEmulationMode..

How to format DateTime columns in DataGridView?


host process 10148 process logger http_core logger appName httpd appName ffda true ffda lastAction 2010 10 27T12 00 19.5117509Z.. 10148 process logger http_core logger appName httpd appName ffda true ffda lastAction 2010 10 27T12 00 19.5117509Z lastAction..

C# stored procedure with parameters


t.MostRecentRunTime var nextRun t.NextRunTime var appName t.ApplicationName SqlConnection myConnection2 new SqlConnection.. @AppName SqlDbType.NVarChar 50 .Value appName myCommand2.Parameters.Add @Status SqlDbType.NVarChar 50 .Value..

Calling CreateProcessAsUser from C#


authority string password LogonFlags logonFlags string appName string cmdLine CreationFlags creationFlags IntPtr environmentBlock..