

c# Programming Glossary: args.name

Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS)


isResolving true var a Assembly.LoadWithPartialName args.Name isResolving false return a return null To make Mono reuse..

Resolve assembly references from another folder


Array.Find AssemblyName arrReferencedAssmbNames a a.Name args.Name if myAssemblyName null MyAssembly Assembly.LoadFrom myAssemblyName.CodeBase.. else strTempAssmbPath Path.Combine RMSAssemblyFolder args.Name.Substring 0 args.Name.IndexOf .dll if string.IsNullOrEmpty.. Path.Combine RMSAssemblyFolder args.Name.Substring 0 args.Name.IndexOf .dll if string.IsNullOrEmpty strTempAssmbPath if..

Assembly loaded using Assembly.LoadFrom() on remote machine causes SecurityException


file name from the full quallified name String name args.Name name name.Substring 0 name.IndexOf ' ' Load the assembly return..

Embedding one dll inside another as an embedded resource and then calling it from my code


sender args var resName args.Name .dll var thisAssembly Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly using var..