

c# Programming Glossary: assembly.gettypes

How to find all the types in an Assembly that Inherit from a Specific Type C#


FindDerivedTypes Assembly assembly Type baseType return assembly.GetTypes .Where t baseType.IsAssignableFrom t If you need to handle generics.. FindDerivedTypes Assembly assembly Type baseType return assembly.GetTypes .Where t t baseType baseType.IsAssignableFrom t Note that..

Finding all Namespaces in an assembly using Reflection (DotNET)


in C# the raw set of namespaces would be var namespaces assembly.GetTypes .Select t t.Namespace .Distinct To get the top level namespace.. instead you should probably write a method var topLevel assembly.GetTypes .Select t GetTopLevelNamespace t .Distinct ... static string..

Reflection to Identify Extension Methods


assembly Type extendedType var query from type in assembly.GetTypes where type.IsSealed type.IsGenericType type.IsNested from..

Calling generic method with a type argument known only at execution time


Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly var interfaces from i in assembly.GetTypes where i.Namespace MyNamespace.Interface only interfaces stored.. Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly var interfaces from i in assembly.GetTypes where i.Namespace MyNamespace.Interface only interfaces stored..

ASP.NET - AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() - Assemblies missing after AppDomain restart


Assembly assembly in assemblies var types from t in assembly.GetTypes where bootStrapperType.IsAssignableFrom t t.IsInterface t.IsAbstract..

how to delete the pluginassembly after AppDomain.Unload(domain)


assemblyName if assembly null Type assemblyTypes assembly.GetTypes foreach Type assemblyTyp in assemblyTypes if typeof IPlugin..

get all types in assembly with custom attribute


to understand Assembly assembly ... var types from type in assembly.GetTypes where Attribute.IsDefined type typeof FindableAttribute select..

C# - how enumerate all classes with custom class attribute?


Assembly assembly foreach Type type in assembly.GetTypes if type.GetCustomAttributes typeof HelpAttribute true .Length..

Implementations of interface through Reflection


.CurrentDomain .GetAssemblies .SelectMany assembly assembly.GetTypes .Where type desiredType.IsAssignableFrom type It is used like..

How to get all classes within namespace?


Assembly assembly string nameSpace return assembly.GetTypes .Where t String.Equals t.Namespace nameSpace StringComparison.Ordinal..

Instantiate a class from its textual name


var assembly Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly var type assembly.GetTypes .First t t.Name className return Activator.CreateInstance type.. baseType var assembly Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly return assembly.GetTypes .Where baseType.IsAssignableFrom .Where t baseType t share..