

c# Programming Glossary: assert.isnotnull

JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize - how to change field names


dataObject serializer.Deserialize DataObject JsonData Assert.IsNotNull dataObject Assert.AreEqual DetailLevel.Low dataObject.DetailLevel.. dataObject serializer.ReadObject ms as DataObject Assert.IsNotNull dataObject Assert.AreEqual low dataObject.DetailLevel Assert.AreEqual..

Protobuf attributes with a hierarchy of generic classes


Query clone Serializer.DeepClone Query query Assert.IsNotNull clone Assert.AreNotSame clone query Assert.IsInstanceOfType.. Query clone Serializer.DeepClone Query query Assert.IsNotNull clone Assert.AreNotSame clone query Assert.IsInstanceOfType..

Mocking an NHibernate ISession with Moq


mock.Object var result controller.Index as ViewResult Assert.IsNotNull result.ViewData Please note I am pretty sure I could just create..

Unit testing that an event is raised in C#


e actual e.PropertyName myClass.MyProperty testing Assert.IsNotNull actual Assert.AreEqual MyProperty actual However if I then try..

'Design By Contract' in C#


and wanted to have syntax akin to public string Foo set Assert.IsNotNull value Assert.IsTrue value.Contains bar _foo value I know I..

Rhinomocks - Mocking delegates


.GetAllMedia serviceInvoker.VerifyAllExpectations Assert.IsNotNull data I am stubbing the service and returning a collection...

Is there a much better way to create deep and shallow clones in C#?


.ToString var deepCopy instance.DeepCopy true Assert.IsNotNull deepCopy Assert.IsFalse ReferenceEquals instance deepCopy Assert.That.. instance.StringValueType deepCopy.StringValueType Assert.IsNotNull deepCopy.ReferenceType Assert.IsFalse ReferenceEquals instance.ReferenceType..