

c# Programming Glossary: basefont.createfont

iTextSharp Creating a Footer Page # of #


100 100 total.BoundingBox new Rectangle 20 20 100 100 helv BaseFont.CreateFont BaseFont.HELVETICA BaseFont.WINANSI BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED public..

Display Unicode characters in converting Html to Pdf


ARIALUNI.TTF BaseFont bf BaseFont.CreateFont arialuniTff BaseFont.IDENTITY_H BaseFont.EMBEDDED Font fontNormal..

Html to pdf some characters are missing (itextsharp)


document I insert characters by this code BaseFont bffont BaseFont.CreateFont C WINDOWS Fonts arial.ttf BaseFont.IDENTITY_H BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED..

c# itextsharp PDF creation with watermark on each page


under writer.DirectContentUnder BaseFont baseFont BaseFont.CreateFont BaseFont.HELVETICA BaseFont.WINANSI BaseFont.EMBEDDED under.BeginText..

ITextSharp insert text to an existing pdf


select the font properties BaseFont bf BaseFont.CreateFont BaseFont.HELVETICA BaseFont.CP1252 BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED cb.SetColorFill..

How do I embed fonts in an existing PDF?


PDF . PdfReader pdf new PdfReader result BaseFont unicode BaseFont.CreateFont Georgia BaseFont.IDENTITY_H BaseFont.EMBEDDED the next line..

Removing Watermark from a PDF using iTextSharp


stamper.GetUnderContent pageIndex pdfData.SetFontAndSize BaseFont.CreateFont BaseFont.HELVETICA BaseFont.CP1252 BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED watermarkFontSize.. to this new layer cb.BeginLayer layer cb.SetFontAndSize BaseFont.CreateFont BaseFont.HELVETICA BaseFont.CP1252 BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED 50..